2005 prius 110000 miles I was told that the main battery (not 12 volt) is going bad. How can I be sure? If it is going bad can I still drive it? For how long? I was told that the indicator bars should not flucuate up and down the scale???? Thanks for any answers
with such low miles, I would actually try to get a goodwill warranty with Toyota. Have you gotten it diagnosed at the dealer yet?
Hey guys really sad to hear a negative response to us on here. I myself drive a 2003 G1 running one of our batteries. I've recently taken over as head tech as well as our online service rep. We really try our best to do right not only for our customers but for the environment. We are just a passionate group of people trying to keep the cars we love running. Please let me know what issues you have with us are so we can work on them to provide a better experience for our customers in the future. -Charlie
thanks for chiming in, i hope you can turn the ship around. most of the complaints i've read about are series of battery failures, and denial of warranty after awhile. all the best!
Thanks for the reply and the support. Were working very hard to improve things here. We are actually working on improving our warranty for you guys already. I see a lot of misinformation about what we do and I'm going to do my best to keep you guys informed on our process as well as our short comings. That way we can meet a standard that Pruis chat in general can get behind. -Charlie
Bought a battery online from Falcon Hybrid for my Prius. The first battery lasted a month and then died, but Falcon required $750 in diagnostics before they would send me a new one. The 2nd battery lasted less time, and the 3rd battery a month. Each time I had to pay for diagnostics and installation. Falcon won't refund my money, and wants to keep sending me batteries, which cost about $500 each time, and means I don't have a working car for another 2 months while I wait for the new one to arrive. My total out-of-pocket with the Falcon batteries is almost $5000. After 3 bad batteries from Falcon, I finally wised up and went with a different manufacturer and haven't had a single problem since, although that brought my total out-of-pocket over $7000. In short - Falcon sold me 3 bad batteries and won't stand behind their product with me. Okay let me start by pointing out that this customer did not get charged $750 by us for diagnostics. The vehicle had a P0AA6 code ( HV leak ) a month after installing our pack and we asked them to confirm the source of the leak . This could have been done with a simple start-up isolation test with an obd2 scanner at autozone free of charge as we explained, but the customer opted for the dealership to work on it (and replace some other things at the same time). Also a HV leak in the battery is rare and would generally show up very quickly, not after a month. Now the cost of $500 per failed battery is also false information. It is a core deposit that is refunded when we receive the customers core back. We asked this customer how he got to $7000 and he sent us a laundry list that included unrelated repairs (oil changes,tires, 12v battery) some unpaid quotes and several items that were already refunded (core deposits). We made him a reasonable offer which he flat out refused insisting on $7000 or he would "destroy us online". I believe this amounts to blackmail. I understand the frustration from packs failing and this is not the type of service we aim to provide, but just because someone has issue with us or our service its still very unfair to spread misinformation. As I've said we are under new management and we are striving to build better longer lasting packs. Just an example: Today a customer brought in a battery that was 3 years out of warranty for repair. It was the base Gen 2 with gen 2 modules pack purchased 3.5 years ago with a 6 month warranty. It had one faulty module which we replaced with one of similar relative capacity and resistance, the complete pack was then ran on our Hybrid Battery drive Simulator to see how it would behave under extreme driving conditions (charge to %90 then discharge to 10% SOC @ high current). A before and after graph was printed out for the customer. We only charged him for our time and the module. It saddens me to see how quickly we are dismissed as a company not worth doing business with when we are very passionate about what we do and the functionality of our final products. Thank you for showing me this post I hope I was able to restore some faith in our products. If you have any other issues or questions you'd like to throw at me please don't hesitate. -charlie
If this is an indication of you starting out as you mean to go, you are probably streets ahead of some of the other rebuilders. There is a lot of mistrust and that cannot be fixed overnight, I hope you're in it for the long haul. All the best for turning this ship around.
I'm definitely in this for the long haul. I love my job and I love helping people who share my love for hybrid cars. I understand it will take time to regain trust but at this point that is going to come second to making improvements. I know that if we work together with you guys it will only make our shop a better place. Keep the questions and complaints coming. thanks for the reply -charlie