The list price for our 2016 Prius with our chosen accessories was €35,104.22, but after discounts and a small trade-in for our previous 10-year old Prius, we paid €27,238.79. Yesterday we were offered a trade-in value of €25k by the local Toyota dealer. As some may remember, we were involved in an accident 2 weeks after purchase, but the car is now fully repaired with all repairs carried out by Toyota, and the dealer said it had no impact on the trade-in value. Dropped €10k in value in a little over 8 months. 9k km. Does this sound right?
Most of that drop probably happened when you signed the papers. List price means nothing on the new car. What was the value of the 10 year old trade?
They gave us €3.5k trade-in. I thought €25k sounded reasonably fair but I didn't want to get ripped off so thought I'd ask We were just reviewing our options and it looks like we'll be sticking with the Prius for now.