2016 Prius Four When I enable the adaptive cruise control on the highway, cars constantly move in and out ahead of me. Every time this happens, the MID display changes to show my current setting, a car icon, that goes off after a few seconds. Is there a setting to turn these displays off? There is a setting under Vehicle Settings to enable/disable popup displays but that doesn't seem to change anything as far as I can tell. Any ideas? Thanks
From what I see on my 2017 Two, the DRCC popup option just disables some of the popups when turning on DRCC, especially if you do not set a speed right away. The popups can be annoying, but I think they are to please Toyota's lawyers and so probably cannot be disabled.
Then stay out of the Gen 4 threads! There is a display to the right of the speed that can contain popup messages, Some must be acknowledged before they disappear. I currently have one saying I need to take my car into the dealer for service (5000 mile). I need to acknowledge t before I can see the Hybrid Indicator.
My advice to you hh, would be to simply ignore those screens as they're just for info and don't require any action from the driver. You'll probably want to keep your eyes on the road etc, so try not to become fixated on the flashy displays. The really important ones will shout out to you one way or another. If you get the time it's well worth reading the manual and be prepared to doze off in the process.
I try to use the hybrid indicator to maximize economy like the hints state. The popups are very distracting in that case. I fear that the familiar popups will lessen their benefit as we get used to them and ignore them.
As mentioned, they're - probably for some legal reason. They're to warn you that Adaptive Cruise (DRCC) has had a change of parameters. For instance, if there is no lead car, and if you're under 40km/hr, it will disable DRCC and you'll slow to a stop. If you lose your lead car and you're over 40km/hr in say a 50km/hr zone, but your DRCC is still set for 110km/hr because you've just come into town and not changed it, it will attempt to accelerate to "GO DIRECTLY TO JAIL" speed. It also gives you an idea if it's locked onto a different car. I find they're great - maybe when we're fully autonomous, we'll be able to ignore the warnings, but they're there for a good reason. @Mendel Leisk - it's these warnings: to show you've locked onto a car, what distance you've got set and what your speed is set to - or this to show that you haven't.
Since they are incessant, we become desensitized, though. It is much like "The boy who cried wolf" The Boy Who Cried Wolf - Wikipedia
If you doze off you'll get the LKA then the Sway alert and then the coffee cup pop up The coffee cup doesn't go away until you press the back button on the steering wheel, took me ages (and about 25 miles) to find that out.
I dont have Gen 4 yet, but it seems to me that with so many different techs in the car it is a good reminder what techs were activated. I hope I will check it myself in few month.