Changed front driver side HUB Assy. Now the front end CLUNKS. Everything was torqued to spec and nice and tight.... i look at it all and all seems fine. However when I was removing the HUB from the Axle, the Axle arm pulled towards me.... so I tried pushing it back in but it did not want to go. I turn the axle by hand left/right and it found it's spot and slid back into place. Is that normal? Or is that the issue? I did not change the drivers side HUB because there was no grinding or anything coming from that area. And I can't tell where the clunking is coming from but it's not the HUB. The clunking happens when I turn left/right at very low speed... or if I brake at low speed and the car rocks back and forth a bit... or if i go over a decent bump. Ideas? Thanks all!
I would question whether the axle nut is tight enough. Also, the outer tie-rod may not have seated correctly in the spindle. Your post is a little confusing, did you replace just the bearing or the hub/ bearing assembly? The complete assemblies are definitely the way to go. Pressing the hub into an old bearing is tedious and with a bit of risk if it's cocked at all during assembly.