Interesting. As the Tesla Model 3 is supposed to be distributed in a combined first come, first served and most expensive variants first manner, it seems plausible that some people from states not specifically mentioned on the Bolt distribution plan may get a Model 3 before their EV-buying friends can get a Bolt.
The first Model 3 deliveries in the categories you mention will also be West Coast first. I would be pleasantly surprised if anyone gets a Model 3 before September. I am a bit disappointed with the slow Bolt roll out. They have first mover advantage, they should use it.
The roll out isn't much different than the one for the Volt, or any model produced in comparable numbers. When more cars are built, you can ship them out to more places from the beginning, yet some markets will always have the honor of being first.
that works perfectly for me, maybe i can find a test drive when we get home in march. i love the fact that gm is so open with this info vs the 'other' company. thanks for posting, e/d!
thanks! i'll be home in a few weeks. i also .noticed my local dealer has 11 primes. times are getting interesting.
Test drove one today and been seeing them all around. Dealers are not budging and one even had a $1500 markup
Keyes in North Hollywood (LA) claims to have 200 Bolts to sell. I assume that's allocation plus inventory. They're one of the biggest Volt dealers in the country. They discount heavily on Volts, I assume they do the same with Bolts.
Interesting that there's conflicting reports on supply and demand. Deals To Be Found Here & There For Chevrolet Bolt, Up To $5,200 Off
Supply and Demand is always local. I see no conflicting reports, just that different dealers have different deals. Add into that the rather bizarre business model in which manufacturers provide incentives for dealers to sell X number of a specific model, and you get situations where dealers will happily loose money on a sale in order to get a much larger bonus from the manufacturer.