My id was "Troy Heagy" and I have no idea what email I used to login. Probably PARKER com, but I don't work there anymore, so a password reset does not work. (I prefer to use my real name, not some fake one.)
Well, SOMEBODY took over that name this past weekend, scarfing up the new TroyToo postings in the process. Send a message to the moderators for help. You could even 'Report' your own new posting, and write up your story in the 'Reason' field.
The easiest way is using the "Report" button to report a post. I just did that on your first post in this thread. Otherwise, PM a particular moderator by "starting a conversation" using the envelope beside your username in the web interface.
Failed a drug test? Lied about graduating HS? NO one would ever claim to be Troy who was clean or possessing a three digit IQ......not even Troy. He's posting under a different ID.......although he wasn't bright enough to change his signature, hide his IP address, or adopt a less abrasive posting strategery....
What a way to treat a fellow Prius owner. So much for camaraderie. Would you like to crush my prius too?
Maybe It's my naivety talking, but have you ever thought of emailing one of the mods or Danny and offering to change whatever activity caused you to be excommunicated? I'll relay a message for you if you wish. Oh....well, maybe not.
I was not banned. I simply stopped using the forum 2 years ago, then I forgot my password, and that was it. "Troy Heagy" is still an active/alive account.
I also reported the initial post.....and in keeping with my VERY HUMBLE faith, and against my better judgement, I didn't give you a negative endorsement.......although neither a negative nor a positive endorsement from me would hold much sway with the mods. Good Luck.