Haha! Yeap, that's why I got it... I work 1-2 days from home, it's not that bad. Topography-- wouldn't be the same since I'm driving the same route both ways?
well NOT !!! if you go up to the hills going to work so to speak and going down home ... that would easily account for the difference ... There are some apps which can tell .. and maybe give you alternate routes even .....for me 25 miles each way the largest clime is the bridge over the east river
My worst tanks have been around 31 mpg calculated (winter months, very short daily trips). But also, my best tank has only been 52. I do believe there are differences between individual Priuses, even the same generation and model. I have a friend who bought her 2010 Prius a few weeks before I did - exactly the same model with sunroof. I had owned a 2006 previously so was an experienced Prius driver and she was a Prius virgin. She was immediately getting 55-60 mpg on her display while I was lucky to get past 50. She's still getting that type of mileage and as far as I know she hasn't spent much time researching techniques. I don't drive particularly fast (compared with the rest of the traffic) but my area is probably a little more hilly than where she lives. Still, I don't believe that alone can account for the big difference in results. I was also expecting to do a little better with the 2010 than with the 2006, but I'm not. I kept records on both cars, and at the two-year mark for each, my average was 43.58 for the '06 and 43.19 for the '10.
new to the forum and vehicle itself. So far my record goes down to 3.7(63), 3.6 (65), and 3.1 (75MPG)