Looks like this possibly. 2016 Toyota Prius - Black - Rare Promotional Collectors Model Diecast Toy Car | eBay
$40-50?? Toyota was giving them away for free last summer from that vending machine. Keep in mind it's a plastic one and not a die cast.
If they had this in seaglass pearl I'd buy it without hesitation. I still wish I'd picked up a diecast of my prior car when I saw it in the right color, but I was poorer back then and $40 for a toy wasn't in my budget.
Anyone know if there's someone still selling these? I could use one in Hypersonic Red, which did exist, but...
Me I have a 1:1 Sea Glass Perl model that works and everything... I keep an eye out on ebay for things like this ..
FWIW, found one on eBay, so now I have the matched set: Looks like TSM made the vending machine models (I'm noticing some things that are identically handled in somewhat inaccurate ways), but they sold them in other ways as well. Interestingly, the one I have has Toyota's Japanese URL on the box, yet is left-hand drive... and TSM has preorders open on a right-hand drive version, but clearly based on the left-hand drive exterior molds (wipers are still LHD). The race car (2016-spec #31) is Ebbro item number 45411 - the #30 car is available as 45410, the show car from the 2016 Tokyo Auto Salon is 45412.
Yep, mine is LHD. Here's another example of what I got, although this one is damaged: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F152848347712
Looks pretty cool, but at this point with the new Prius 2 I'll have to use the $99.00 to pay extra on the loan and get that principal paid down as fast as I can...