Hi. Just purchased a Prime Premium (take delivery later this week) and forgot to check if the car has that gradual tinted window stripe (even light blue or some sort of tan/grey) at the top of the front windshield. Old Corolla didn't have that and it's very distracting when driving into the sun. Can't tell from any of the pics because most of the factory pictures don't show much of the windshield from the interior. Anyone know?
White Prime, Congrats. Seems like next week is the lucky time for several here. There is a thread here about tinting. Back window with the curve might make the tinting place look at you twice.
I asked about getting a tint stripe when I ordered mine and was told it was illegal without a doctor's prescription! Just figure I'll add my own with cling-on stuff from Amazon.
Maybe our fearless mod - Evan (er MD last time we spoke) can write y'all a note ... for a small fee of course. Paypall it to me & i'll be sure he gets it. welcom to the whackie-ness .
Thanks for the reply. I didn't think it had one, but then, I couldn't remember and there were so many other features to distract us...
I had gotten one on my Prius V when I had all the windows tinted. I was told that if you want the side windows tinted darker than normal it had to be approved by the Association for the Blind. No doctor's note needed otherwise. I'm on my way now to pick up my Prime and plan on getting the windows done again in about a month when the weather is warmer.