Hi there my new 2016 tourer has had a very slight push on the front left bumper. Only noticeable damage is the fender to upper body clips seem to have broken. At least whats happening is the fender sneaks slightly out of alignment and I have to keep pushing it back about 5mm. Can any expert advise is this a panel job, or can I get the clips and replace? If the latter is there any information on how to access the clips to replace as the wheel housing covers the clips. I dont really want to get into pulling it down unless an expert here has done before as without local knowledge more damage could be done. So if someone has actually pulled one down and can give a couple of tips or even to advise dont do it would suffice. Regards, Al.
Mo betta to "report" your older thread in other forum, ask the mods to move it to fourth gen forum. With what you've done, you've got two threads going. Maybe do that now: report both threads, ask 'em to fix. This one having a pic helps, or add the pic to the other thread, do not know. All in all, I don't think you'll be sucessful in your quest as you currently phrase it: there's no expert who can give you a step-by-step before you try for yourself. I would just proceed cautiously, learn as you go. Isn't it just great though: a little "love tap", and the "bumper" half falls off. Remember the functional bumpers of the '70's, through early '80's? Then we progressed to these glorifed fairings...
I think @lohikaarme 's had his front bumper off. Search through postings he's started, and you might find some info.
By using my boot at the bottom of the fender, and lifting up and locating top correctly seems to have relocated and locked. There are possibly some broken clips but so far so good.