drove prius through puddle red triangle light came problem displayed on screen drove it for 50 miles to work went to drive it home replaced air filter because it was soaked. red triangle light came back on and them circle with explanation point came on i think that means brake system. now prius wont turn ready light on. jump started ran till i got home and now wont turn back on again. seems to charge hybrid battery still. could it be water got in exhaust or alterantor ruined or 12v battery or electrical issues fuses?????? plz help!!!!!
Water and hybrids don't mix well. How old is your 12v battery? How did the engine perform during the 50 miles after jump start? Normal? How many times did you jump start?
fine it ran normal like nothing wrong but lights were still displayed. only jumped start this 1 time never done it before. buddy put obd2 cleared the light but wen i turned it off it still wouldnt start back up.
had the car for a year has to be atleast a year. dont think its original though. its yellow top optima
Must have been a heck of a puddle to soak the air filter! Anyway, I don't think a puddle would bother the 12V, but it may just be interesting timing and the battery really is due for a change. You'll have to put a meter on it and maybe load test it too. Lots of threads here about that. But that would be my first check. Happy hunting.
welcome! water in the air filter is bad. but if it ran okay, you may have lucked out. since you had to jump it, i would say the battery requires a charge. if you don't have a charger, buy one, or drive the car for 8 hours. you can even let it sit in 'ready' for 8 hours, but don't let it get stolen.
There may be multiple problems with your car now. If it'll start again with another jump start, then your 12v battery would need to be changed. If it won't start with a jump start, that would indicate other problems. First address that issue and then you can tackle the other abs lights issue. If you can get the codes read, it'll take away the mystery and pinpoint your problems
We cleared the codes last night before when we got it to jump it was p3090 i think. Upon getting it jumped the warning lights came bak on we drove home about 50 miles cleared them again drove around the block and warning lights did not come back on, but when i turned it off it wouldnt "ready" on. The battery this morning reads 12.4 volts.
Disconnect the 12v battery for a minute to reset the car. Then the car should restart. If you shut down and the car continues to not go ready, then you'll need to read the codes again to find the problem. 12.4 volts is indicative of a drained battery, but it's enough power to start the car. You should charge that battery if you get a chance to do it. You'll also need to clean the maf sensor and throttle body. This is the area of where the air filter housing is, all that that needs to be cleaned. You can get the proper cleaning material at any auto store. Maf cleaner and throttle body cleaner
ok so cleaned the air flow intake area replaced spark plugs also a little bit of water not too much some dirt and rust. got it all back together and started in ready mode then obd2 read coil c problem primary secondary circuit well realized i didnt plug 3 back in correctly. plugged it in and now prius wont start again. disconnected battery once more and it turned on but hybrid battery is dying really fast. triangle light came on again and is still saying problem. am i going to have to get a new hybrid battery or is it just an electrical problem i need to find. i want to take it to toyota its just really expensive.
How many miles are on your car? Where are you located. If the car only starts once after a reset, you could possibly have a high voltage leak. It's a safety precaution where the car only will start once before disabling itself. Need codes read
almost 130,000 california city is there a specific location where the voltage leak would be? trying to get codes read now.
California has a 10 year/150k miles warranty on many hybrid and emissions components. So you need to find the problem and hopefully it's covered under warranty Does your ac work? High voltage leaks can come from AC, transaxle, inverter or hv battery. It's not easy to find/diagnose the problem and origin
the car is a salvaged title so i dont think warranty will work. got it turn on ready mode drove it for about 11 miles then triangle came up again tried to read codes and no codes would display did reset with obd2 and then it turned on again drove for about 15 more miles and nothing came up. turned it off wouldnt turn on then tried again came on this time and triangle popped up once again. after that it went to ready for about 3 secs and kicked it right off. should i just take it to toyota?
if you don't want to buy mini vci and laptop, and subscribe to toyota tech info and diy, take it to a dealer.