It was mentioned that if the 12 V battery dies you just call AAA. We had our car face into the garage and none of the lights came was completely dead. I called Toyota Service to ask how I'm supposed to get the car into neutral so the tow truck could flatbed me over to the dealer. They had no real answer for me. They told me it would have to be pulled onto the flatbed since there was no other way to get it out. I didn't like that answer. The AAA driver didn't know much about a Prius so he was no help. Luckily my neighbor has a Prius and gave it a hotshot which took some time since the battery was so dead but at just the right moment I was able to put the car into neutral and the driver was able to get it on the flatbed. We have asked Toyota corporate as well as others...nobody has an answer to this problem if it should happen again. You would think Toyota would have another way it necessary to get the car started in an emergency. By the way, the car was used just the night before so it wasn't sitting for days in the garage.
You also can't put in into neutral when the 12V battery is splattered all over the highway along with the rest of the back half of your car. More to the point though, couldn't you just yank the battery out of your computer's UPS and use that battery? You do run your computer on a UPS, right?
FWIW, my portable didn't work at the jump points under the hood either. I had to hook up directly to the positive and negative battery terminals in the trunk. Once hooked up, all the lights instantly came on in the car. The 12V has been working for over 6 months since.
no way to know if it's bad without testing. get a trickle charger/maintainer. ctek make good ones for about 70 bucks.
I first chose a piece of the metal frame as I was taught. When that didn't work, I consulted the manual and it recommended a spot. That didn't work either. I was about to call the tow truck when I thought, what the hell, directly to the battery as I remember seeing a Youtube review saying you had to do that for some reason.
Thanks. I use a shock tower bolt when I trickle charge the 12v every so often. It has said it has continuity on the information board of the Charger and shows it completes its cycle. That was going to be my go to spot if I ever needed to use my jump pack, but I guess I might have to reconsider.
I have also heard that sometimes the continuity of the alligator clamp can vary depending the the side you choose. I have always put the side of the alligator clamp with the copper wire on the positive plate under the hood. Might have to try the other way for the clamp and see if it makes a difference.