so I just bought a used 2009 basic model. it came with one fob and a spear key. I can not lock the doors from the inside button nor can I lock with the fob or the button on the handle. but I can use the unlock button on the fob and use the door handle. the light blinks on the fob so I'm not sure what to do. I have checked all the doors to make sure they are closed also.
Try to lock from each front door one at a time. Observe the front door buttons when trying to use the FOB. This sounds a lot like a failed door lock actuator (there is one on each door). Usually when one actuator fails the others will still "try" to work sometimes. got this car from a dealer, you should insist on getting a second FOB because having that last one go bad or get lost is VERY expensive to fix. And that same selling dealer should take care of the locking problem too. Replacement door actuators run around $300 or more to replace.
I wonder if there is a relay somewhere that quit working. check fuse box under the dash and hood and see if any are for the locks
ok so update. I have changed the battery still nothing. I checked the fuse and it was fine. I kinda of searched the car for a fob that may have been lost in there that know one knew of. it still only will lock manual the old school way. but none of the auto lock or fob lock buttons will work. I have tried to listen to the actuator and I hear it when its unlocking but when trying to be locked I don't hear anything, so my guess is I should look at the wires under the door panel of buttons? other than that I'm at a loss
can you lay out the details more clearly? you have four doors, a switch on each door, a manual lock on each door, a fob, and a metal key. what is working, and what isn't?
my bad. so i can unlock my car via the key the fob and the door handle. what dosent work is when i go to lock the car via the fob or door handle. i can use the key no problem also i can lock each door with the switch inside of the vehicle. the lock/unlock button on the door panel it self will not lock all the doors on the driver side or passanger side.
that's the feature that allows you to keep the fob in your pocket, put your hand on the handle to unlock, and start the car by pushing the power button, without putting the fob in the dash.
sorry yes i have the sks. none of the buttons on the outside of the car will lock it, but it will unlock the car
i don't know the details, but it sounds like there are separate circuits for locking and unlocking. i wonder if the service manual might help you.