Hi folks, Wanted to ask you guys if you've tried out those duraflex or fiberglass bumpers on y'alls Priuses? Mine is 2011, and I bought it used. When I got it, it had badly cracked bumper already, so I had it replaced right away with an OE one. Now the one I got got damaged as well, and I thought of getting something cool and aggressive... So just wanted to ask you guys whether you've got any experience with these two? WIll they align fine? Also maybe you've got some other cool aftermarket bumpers in your mind.... Thank you
Everyone knows that I am all about the G-Sport. These are all OEM components. For my build, I'm keeping it (mostly) OEM in look and stance. Here's the full SoCal lineup at the Cerritos meetup last year.
Wow... looks so cool! I guess I will not experiment with getting non-OE stuff onto my Prius and will just grab an OE bumper. I already ordered the bumper clips for the vehicle (Bumper Clips - CARiD.com), and as for the bumper I guess will check the junk yards first, and then will see... Also I plan to stick that vynil wrap on it, you know, like fake carbonfiber. Hope it will look nice.
The G-Sport parts are Japanese Domestic Market (aka JDM), which means you're unlikely to pick any up in a US scrap yard. You should start with either hybridpit.com or go with auctions.yahoo.co.jp. I think the same applies for aftermarket body parts also.
There are many aftermarket options as well. For example, the most popular one around these parts is the Aimgain kit. This is @Gaspeed's ride with the ever popular Netz branding (see www.netz.jp/). Jin at Kyoei USA has this kit on his Prius (see: www.kyoei-usa.com/tag/aimgain/). There are other kits that I would love to see on the CONUS ... The Fledermaus Regina kit: (see: www.fledermaus.jp/aero/prius-zvw30.html#30priuslast) Or how about the Wald International "Black Bison Edition": (see: mostreliablecars.blogspot.com/2009/10/tuning-studio-wald-has-finished-hybrid.html) Or the ASI "Green" kit: (see: www.automobilesreview.com/pictures/asi/green-prius/wallpaper-08.html) Or how about one of the Ken Style variants? (see: www.kenstyle.co.jp/carlist_24.html) And the KRC kit: (see: www.ameblo.jp/kindredcompany/entry-12179452054.html) Terra Force! (see: www.chukosya-ex.jp/detail/ccCU3846582298) The Terra Force G-Sport kit: (see: www.minkara.carview.co.jp/userid/1150047/blog/38628874/) Definitely see www.minkara.carview.co.jp/userid/1150047/blog/38628874/ for some Prius porn. Also get one of these Prius mags from ebay: www.ebay.com/itm/Toyota-Prius-Custom-Guide-Dress-up-Fan-Book-/272443101539?hash=item3f6edfd163
Hello All... Came across the picture below of someone's 2012. I love the look of the front bumper/valence. My 2010 looks nothing like this and I would like to recreate it. Is this an aftermarket bumper? Grille insert? Paint/plastidip/vinyl job? Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
What you're seeing here is the 2012 "facelift". en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyota_Prius_(XW30)#2011_facelift
Thank you for the quick reply. I'm new to Priuses and don't know the subtle differences within the same generation. I'm assuming a 2011/12 fascia/bumper will be a direct fit for my 2010?
Yes, this can be done. There are several members that have done it. I know @saulbassfan is one. Doing a little rummaging with search and I don't see that anyone has documented the process in a thread. Maybe @saulbassfan can give you some tips.
Try looking for a junkyard 2012-2015 Prius bumper cover. That way you won't have to buy all pieces separate. While you're there grab the foam piece behind it. You'll need that to make work with 2011. @sfv41901 installed mine, so I think there's other things like wiring you'll need to do.
You wrote right above the Fledermaus Regina āIād love to see these on the CONUS.ā What does that mean?