Help! The 2017 Montana Legislature is proposing an extra tax on all hybrid vehicles of $90 and up per year. This tax would be in addition to existing registration costs. It's a pretty bad idea. Even if you live out of state, please contact any Montana Senator and tell him/her to oppose HB 205.
Seriously, I'd like to help, but being located in UK don't think any senator would give me time of day! Still, you have my support from afar.
I'm sorry. I guess I don't get it. Why would they tax you? I understand a carbon tax on higher pollutant vehicles, i.e. diesel, trucks, jeeps, etc. But, why a fuel efficient and clean choice?
i would support a hybrid tax, if all vehicles were taxed based on efficiency and road wear and tear, and then, only if the tax is dedicated to infrastructure.
Road maintenance is funded in large part through taxes on gasoline sales. Extra taxes on the fuel efficient vehicles is not the way to go though: regressive idea. If there's not enough revenue, raise the gas tax across the board. That'll further encourage the "burners" into better fuel efficient options. Too many just leave vehicles sitting and running, hours on end.
Conservatives often say they oppose government intervention in the marketplace; perhaps that will translate to this regressive idea dying in the Senate. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.