So my local Toyota dealership has a 2016 Prius 2 CPO advertised for $19,991. How can a low mileage car be CPO and now listed as new? It would be sweet if it was listed new and I can use the $3,000 cash back. So my first question is what do you think would be a fair price for me to ask? $19,200?? is that low balling? Considering the car is CPO. Second question, is there anyway I can ask them to sell it used w/o CPO that way I can save some $$. This will be my 2nd Prius. I know I will not need the car CPO. These cars last forever!!! I'll be pay all in cash and will not have a car trade in. Any advice would be much appreciated.
CPO is certified pre owned. New is new. 2 totally different things. One way or the other but not both. I am a dealer and I looked up the recent auction sales for that model and year. Its trending around 16-17k at wholesale, so if you pay 19-20k thats a 3k markup. And no you won't get the rebate.