So, thursday went to start up my prius c in the morning and no dice. Check Hybrid System, engine didn't even try to turn. So I tried all the basic advice I could find, turn on and off 3 times etc.. but nothing worked, very odd. Have it towed to the dealership and they say nothings wrong. $125 diagnostic fee and the hope that it doesn't happen again. I've perused through the posts and most that get this error message seem to have some greater issue going on. do not know if i'm being stingy or what but 125 for a seems fine to me! is a bit of an annoyance >.>
Two of the things I'd pay attention to: if the 12V battery is marginal it can cause all kinds of odd problems. The car is completely dependent on the 12V battery when it's turned off, and when you turn it on it runs a series of diagnostic checks before connecting the high voltage battery. If there's a low voltage condition during those diagnostic checks it can get wonky readings from the various sensors and issue warnings that point to other problems. If you don't properly tighten the fuel filler cap it can cause some issues because the car does a pressurization test of the fuel system. When you close the cap be sure to get into the habit of making sure you hear a "click" before you stop tightening it. This is probably less likely for your specific problem but - who knows? I'm sure some other Prius C owners will also chime in with their own hints.