It looks like your way of looking thing's around you are very short on real truth.... Let me give you example Why are some Top Tier Fuel stations are formulated with special addative that helps improve MPG and various other things.... No hard feelings..... Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
there is no evidence that top tier full makes a difference ESPECIALLY the additvies ... pls !!! sure papa/mama dealer cheats you ... no question but pls do not project that to additives bullshit.
Let me tell you that there is drastic difference in fuel system and efficiency of engine......Why? Be cause I have did this for living working tearing apart and investigate failures of engines.... And there are a lot of companies that have done this investigation Example BMW advice to use Shell premium on engines..not because they have mutual is for benefits of Engine..... Do some research on your own and you will see that addative are good for engine....Diesel or Gas..... I wish i can make recording of Company i work for to see what they do to see all different ways to improve carbon build-up and overall efficiency of each drop of fuel...we are living now in world of direct injection for gas engines and very soon there will not be anymore cams to move valves.... Turbocharger will have electric motors to assist in low rpm conditions to spool up much bigger turbo and have near zero turbo-lag I will be happy to answer any technical questions if want to listen.... Try to open your self .....Advancement of engine technology is going in last 5 years faster than what it did in last 30 year's Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Techron is so far showing best results on market... Or you can try and see benefits of Shell nitrogen enriched fuel Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I advocate using a QUALITY fuel system cleaner every now and then (usually every 5 or 10 K). You will notice a difference if you are having some issues from "dirty" gas in your system. FI systems have good filtration, but it's not perfect. Running a can of the stuff every so often helps prevent gunk from forming. I have a pickup with FI, and over 200K miles on it. Never a fuel issue. Maybe it's snake oil, but back in the early days of FI, people were ready to trade in or pay $$$ to fix their car. My dad told them to just run STP fuel treatment for a tank or two BEFORE shelling out money on expensive repairs. Every time, the person's problem went away almost after the first tank of treated gas. The easiest way to "clean" fuel injectors is from the inside. All a mechanic will do is remove the injector and soak it in the same chemicals you can toss into your gas tank.
I run regular unleaded from a major station, and I run the Lucas fuel treatment almost every tank of gas. I see a couple miles per gallon difference. It may not be huge but its there and it seems to be consistent among the vehicles I own. I buy the gallon jug at walmart for about $28 and that will treat about 25 tanks. I don't feel any difference in the way the cars run. The spark plugs seem to stay cleaner longer as well. On the Kia I replaced them at 150K, after I got tires of checking them. Everyone can obviously do whatever they want, and believe whatever they want.
I just buy Chevron gas every time. It has the Techron in it. There's another thread here, somewhere, the service writer talked him into a $198? injector cleaning service. Those guys prey on the elderly, the young ladies, and the naïve uninformed.
Just curious, what would be tested? AFAIK, the best case scenario is that the treatment can bring a car back to peak condition. But not exceed it. In your case, if you skipped adding Lucas for a fill up, I don't think you'd see a decrease in mpg. Same if you skipped 5 tankfuls, especially if you use top tier gas. Keep in mind that I just added a bottle of Techron fuel injector cleaner yesterday, so I'm willing to try these inexpensive treatments once in a while as a precaution.
I think it's back down in the next tank or two. The mileage is consistently about 20-25 more when I ran it on my Kia. I'll have to track it on the Prius.
I'm sorry but............ IF you think putting a couple of ounces of ANYTHING in a full tank of gas will increase your fuel mileage by "a couple of miles per gallon", I have some ocean front property for sale in Arizona. I'll even throw in a boat.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the Lucas product a cleaner (fuel injector)? If so, in theory, it will help if the injectors are very dirty to the point of reducing FE. You'd have to be using really bad gas where it will cause problems with the injectors within a tank or two of not using fuel additives.
There's a Mr. Lube a few blocks from us: every so often some poor sap is out front getting the injector cleaner service, where they hook up a bottle and run it through. Besides lightening your wallet it also creates a holy stink in the air. They really should outlaw the crap.
I wonder what scams they will pull on BEVs??? I know that there will still be a large snake-oil aisle in on-line department stores because the ICE is gonna be around for a are crooks. It will be interesting to watch it all unfold..... I predict a software patch that will allow you to get an extra 10 miles out of a charge.....or maybe a "superconducting" plug attachment for your charging cable that will allow your car to charge 10 percent faster..... I mean...hey.....people are falling for fuel treatments, right????
Googled a bit, might be "runright": Fuel System Cleaner [Archive] - - Car Forums - Automotive Enthusiasts Community Search the above link for "mr.lube" (no space).
I googled too. Might be "run rite" as it appears there is a full line of "cleaning products". I use BG Products EPR prior to draining the oil, 44k for fuel system cleaner and Extended Life MOA to keep our Prius in check. Works for me and others.