I squirt a little Lucas Gas treatment fuel injector cleaner in my tank every third or fourth fill up on my old car..... can I do that for a Gen three Prius too ? Thanks
Wait.....WHAT ?? I thought they recommend a periodic "injector cleaning" with some over-priced Toyota branded stuff dumped into the gas tank........which turns out to be just Techron with a different label. I don't think that periodic use of an injector cleaner is necessarily "wasted money". I do think that twice a year is plenty and that you should use the recommended amount.......not just a squirt.
My bad, the 2010 Prius user manual, http://www.toyota.com/t3Portal/document/om-s/OM47668U/pdf/OM47668U.pdf never mentions gasoline additives, good or bad. My 2009 recommended against them.
Can't say that for sure but I certainly have had more than one Toyota dealer "recommend" injector cleaning as routine maintenance.
I am sure they did not mean to put something in the gas tank ... or you misunderstud something ... I ALWAYS ask written quote for any service they recommend and say I will be back, today I only want whatever I went there in the first place ... NEVER ever do it even if they say it is a must if you did not have an issue or error code you can wait at least for second opinion But again injector cleaning???? unless they actually "open up" your engine and "physically" clean it, that is bogus. They randomly recommend "throttle body" cleaning ... too once I called on the service writer if the tech can show me .. then he backed off that I can do it next time they almost finished with the car huh ???
Well DUH. That's pretty much what I said, right ?? And no I'm not mistaken. When I asked exactly what that entails, they showed me a can of injector cleaner with a Toyota label on it........that looked suspiciously like a bottle of Techron. Techron is not "bogus". The bogus part is them charging about 3X as much for the additive and a half hour labor for pouring it in the tank.
YES the bottle of "tec"whatever is TOTALLY bogus but pls buy it and when/if toyota does it is even MORE bogus ... Just think ..... (more) .... think (more) HOW that would work 10-50 millisecond (while on that spot????) THINK THINK ... (if you want)h
I think you are WAY out of your league here, Bucko. A really LOT of automotive experts agree that Techron is an effective product for keeping injectors clean and lubricated. Your juvenile remarks add nothing useful to this discussion.
For anybody who cares about facts and doesn't just want to argue and blow smoke........... Just do a Google search on Techron. There is ample evidence if you just look. Done with troll.
II see lots and lots and lots of threads on fuel injector cleaning, but very few threads regarding fuel injector failure. Things that make you go....Hmmmmm. I personally think that if you use it in the prescribed amounts, that "fuel injector/throttle body cleaner/treatment" will not hurt your car. I also think that mostly it's the automotive equivalent to "nursery water." Sometimes parents who want to show the world that they love their children much more than all of the other kid's parents do will pay a buck or two more for the "extra certified pure" water while uncaring horrible fools like me will just use........filtered water. I don't think that fuel system cleaners are snake oil per-se, I just don't see a correlation between their regular use and a car's longevity especially since most of the people that use these products can afford to use them, and thus don't drive cars with enough miles on them to actually benefit from the cleaning. YMMV
"Just do a Google" are you serious ???? there is ZERO evidence that i.e. techron makes ANY difference ... it there were !!! ALL car maker would use it (don';t you think???)
Plenty of people on here advocate changing transaxle fluid when the manual says it's a lifetime oil, so to hold the manual up as a shining example of everything that's good is nonsense. Fuel additives may be snake oil (I don't honestly know), but some sensible informed opinion (which many on here are capable of) would be welcome.
Yes you are right and wrong on both ... long term chaning transaxle oil make sense BUT, nonone can prove it since we do noth have thousands of car either way running 1 million mile ... so NO data saying chaning makes any difference (on what 200K 300 K ) ... even those who did it are not sure,.... OF COURSE it is not forever ... but ... noone knows yet
They pretty much all DO recommend it......at the dealer level if not actually in the manuals. Next time you are near a car dealership, stop in and ask the service advisors if they recommend the periodic use of a fuel injector cleaner or fuel system cleaner in their late model cars. Otherwise, please just go away; I don't care what YOU think. And yes, a Google search WILL lead you to some authoritative and independent opinions if you just drill down past the ads that always show up first.
really ??? show us where is recommended ? let me repeat THERE IS NO evidence otherwise it wouldn't only be in the manual but IN THE GASOLINE !!! stupid