When I spray my windscreen with washer fluid, the wipers automatically wipe the screen a couple of times, but leave a whole load of fluid on the screen. On the way up the wipers collect the water, but cannot get rid of it all near the a-pillar but instead spill it over the screen on their way down. My solution: manually activate the wiper another two or three times, but still each time there is spillage on the way down (getting less each time). I have not had this on any other car, has anybody experienced a similar problem? My car: Prius 4 delivered August 2016 in Germany
Yes, I find that happens a lot and takes 3 or 4 sweeps to clear completely at lower speeds leaving spills on the passenger side of the screen. Above 50 mph it's less of a problem.
What do you use to wash your car.....temperature when it happens.....what type of windshield fluid you use Are this factory wipers Did you inspect rubber for chips....cuts....etc Did you check nozzle adjustment for good spray pattern?
Normal car wash Tempertures ranging from 0-30C Same as the one i use on other cars where it doesn't occur (possibly biggest influence) Yes factory wipers Wipers are intact Spray pattern shows no abnormal conditions
Yep, mine do that, too. That big left wiper pushes a lot up against the left side of the wind screen. Accelerating onto the highway clears it away. Or sometimes I get out of the car with a squee Gee and wipe it away.
The wipers are badly timed with the washers on many cars - I use the same solution as hybridhead: "My solution: manually activate the wiper another two or three times, but still each time there is spillage on the way down (getting less each time)."
Not sure if this will work..but. Apply Rain X to the part of the screen that the wiper doesn't touch next to the A pillar. I'm going to do this as soon as the temperature rises. My thought is the fluid will sheet off that area faster. I hate Rain X on the whole windshield but I love it on the rest of the glass.
The problem some of us are finding here is that, on the parking stroke there is spillage thrown onto the cleared passenger side of the windscreen. This then had to be cleared with a number of extra sweeps before it's cleared properly. The uncleared portion of screen is not the problem for us.
In my case, there is Spillage on the Drivers side (left side of the Screen) correct If I remember correctly, the problem is not only with washer fluid but with rain water too, its a Long time since it rained here Washer fluid is easy to replicate, you cant Switch on the rain
Well, as for Cornwall, it sometimes stops raining. Like today, so I'd better go out and play for a while before it starts again.
I have the same issue. Poor design imo. My solution is the same as yours. The wipers also do not effectively clear salt spray on the upper right passenger side, because the wiper fluid does not get all the way up there before the wipers automatically trigger. It's actually my biggest complaint about the car
I agree, poor design, the driver side wiper is too large and they are too slow on the wash-wipe cycle. My solution for the wash-wipe cycle is, spray then pull the stalk all the way down to fast speed until clear. This tends to flick the water off the wipers more.
Yes. On pretty much every car I have owned over 50 years or so........to some degree or another. (And just when I thought I had already seen OCD at it's worst !!!)
I have the exact issue as well. I think there's little blade pressure on that part of the screen as I've sprayed the guts out of it trying to remove the salt.