If you lived in the USA? I'd strongly advise against using a Prius to haul triplets. There's a huge difference between being able to bolt three infant car seats into a car, and that car being optimal, or even very useful for baby transport. In addition to it being an order of magnitude more difficult to strap all three kids in place, you have to worry about in-flight ops such as fueling and exhaust. No....not the car. The kids!! Ever try to change the center kid's diaper??? You KNOW that whatever kid you strap into the center seat is going to be the most colicky....right? The reason why minivans and crossovers are preferred by 9.999 out of 10 people who actually change diapers and dispense bottles has as much to do with ground clearance and door/hatch openings as it does with interior volume. The things with kids is....the more you feed them, the heavier they get. That's sort of the whole point, right? Well.....doing kettlebell exercises might be fun down at the local crossfit box, but kettlebells are inanimate and quiet....and they mostly don't smell like the inside of a diaper.....if you exercise at the right facility, that is. Another thing that (mostly...men) don't appreciate is that as you have to haul diaper bags, strollers, and enough spare clothing to rapidly consume even a Prius' cargo bay. You're in Belgium, so things are a little different. Gas is more expensive, the roads are narrower, and everybody drives smaller stuff. The one thing that the US and Belgium has in common is the fact that attorneys in both countries are just about the same. Me??? I's ask MOM what she prefers to haul triplets around in. Good Luck! Hey.....BTW......post pics!!
Really appreciate all the replies everyone. I've been busy putting the house on the market and looking for a bigger one, so my wife has been trying to find a solution for the car. Her research suggests that the 2016 Prius is more than capable of hauling three baby/child seats, the trick will be trying to find a stockist of the chairs/pram/stroller combination that will let us try for size before we buy. The only unknown at this point is whether the model we're considering will fold into the boot - we have dimensions of both the pram and the boot, but it's tight and only if we can get our hands on one will we know for sure. Hopefully someone will take pity on us It's a good point about all the baby-related stuff we'll need to cart around, but if the pram does fit into the boot - diagonally - there should be plenty (some?) room for supplies. We have the lower boot due to not having a spare tyre so fingers crossed we'll be okay. We considered a minivan but we're trying to avoid having to make another large purchase just now. We've also had experience of one in the past and there wasn't much room in the back, but I suppose that depends on the make/model. Regards the crash, the pre-crash system didn't activate because it was a truck/lorry that crashed into us from the rear. The proximity alarm went off at the same time as I saw the truck in my right-hand mirror, but it was a split second before the actual impact so no time to try and get out of the way. There was nowhere to go in any case except forward, but flooring the accelerator for 3-4 seconds might have made all the difference. Our insurer says we were 1 point away from being a write-off meaning a full refund of the purchase price, but it was repairable and so we've had to wait. We've been driving an Auris Hybrid in the mean time and it's a nice car, though very few comforts in comparison to the Prius. We've had to do two long trips abroad using the Auris and I cannot wait to get my Prius back for the next one.
Oh my. I'm guessing it's taking a while because parts are scarce? Yes I recall now. You had the Hypersonic Red.
Yes the v will fit 3 across but the challenge is getting the babies into the seats and the seats buckled up in a reasonable time. I'd be practicing that in the car with the seats you intend before buying the house. It will be several years before the house expansion is as needed as the car utility.
We had a mixture of vehicles over about 20 yrs when we had either small children or Family Day Care children, hence lots of car-seats in a variety of cars from a small Daihatsu hatch, a smaller wagon, several medium sedans to several 8 seaters. My recollection is that - the more space you have, the more you take. Yes, with triplets, there is going to be a minimum to start with, like 3 babies, 3 seats - and you go from there. We also found that as babies grew they were a different package. Suddenly they get to the age where they "can" and "WILL" walk, no matter how slowly - and after a few trips with an unused pram, you leave it behind. Then the seats are rotated to face forward, and before you know it, they're in booster seats. But then they're more mobile in the car - and they bring their own "stuff", school cases, violins, double-basses. It won't be long before they all have their birthdays and say "Dad, can we have the keys please?". Enjoy your babies. This morning I accompanied (on piano) my granddaughter on her 2nd violin exam - made me feel old.
May I recommend our 14 year old Honda Odyssey minivan? lol It actually drives like an Accord. Most fun minivan ever. You need something with a 3rd row. Minivans are much more practical than an SUV. The 2018 Odyssey is probably going to come with a hybrid powertrain, but it isn't out yet. Perhaps a Honda Pilot or Toyota Highlander SUV. There is a reason why they make these big cars. The 2017 Highlander will be available with a Hybrid on the lowest trim; right now, you have to pay $47k for a top of the line Hybrid Limited.
Oh I forgot... The Prius is not the safest option in a crash with 5 people in the car, there is more space in a crash in a minivan or SUV. The Prius is the car that becomes totaled, and in a minivan, you'll total the other car. If you don't have a large budget, look at a 2017 Highlander LE Hybrid when it comes to market. This is all assuming you have these cars in Belgium. Otherwise, a Prius+ will do fine probably. Good luck!
Don't forget that the 2016 PRIUS achieved a "TOP SAFETY PICK +" in crash tests with the IIHS - that means that would be safer than the vast majority of cars on the market. It is the first TOYOTA with the new TNGA platform which was designed to perform in crash tests up with the state of the art. ( Vehicle details ) I don't think that HONDA sells the Odyssey, nor TOYOTA the Highlander in EUROPE, I'm not sure even if the Prius v/+ is sold in EU either. (though I guess there would be equivalents from VW, Citroen et al).
I would just bring the car seats to the dealer and try it out. Highly doubt they will fit though. Get ready for a Sienna!!!
Just to make it easier on folks, here are the list of available Toyota vehicles he/she can purchase in Belgium Nissan Although Ford has a wider range of family friendly vehicles. There is no Sienna in Belgium
The Toyota Highlander is available in Europe but not in Belgium. I had a good look at the Proace Verso because it can be internally configured in a number of ways, which would likely allow us to be able to fit 3 child seats, have a couple of seats to spare and leave plenty of room for a 3-seater pram/stroller without having to fold it flat. It's just the cost of switching from one to the other atm that means it's unlikely. If - and it's a big IF - our insurer agrees to pay out in full for the Prius due to the delays in having it repaired, we might re-consider another vehicle. Toyota PROACE VERSO Overview | The versatile people carrier. (jic it's not known in North America).
Re-visiting this thread for the benefit of anyone who might search in the future. After an exchange of email with Toyota, it's been confirmed that the European version of the current Prius cannot fit three child seats in the rear of the vehicle. The Toyota Europe customer service rep initially told me it could: ...but I asked her to check as there didn't seem room to fit a belt-fastened seat if two Isofix seats were fitted. She checked with the 'product department' who said you could fit three, and later the technical department who confirmed it wasn't possible in the European model. This left me with two options: (1) Replace the car for something more suitable. (2) Fit two seats in the rear and one in the front. Neither sounded a good option, (1) due to cost, and (2) because that would mean having to leave the wife behind every time! Just when I was about to bite the bullet and look for a new car, I decided to do one last Google search for a solution. And I found, via an image search of all things: Child Car Seats - 4 Child Car Seat, 3 Child Car Seat & Accessories This is a system that sits atop the rear seats of the car and allows you to fit three bespoke baby or booster seats. It exceeds all current EU legislation so is legal, and more importantly, safe, and although it costs upwards of a couple of grand, it's ultimately a lot cheaper than having to replace my new(ish) Prius. At this stage I'm not in a position to recommend the system as I haven't yet had use of it - I will report back in due course - but thought I'd add my find for the benefit of anyone else who finds themselves in the same position. Incidentally, we decided to go with a double and a single pram/stroller, and both comfortably fit in the boot with loads of room to spare. We'll look again at a triple pram in 12-months or so, and the one we have our eye on can be attached to a standard rear bicycle rack so that should be possible if we go that route.
Looks like a great solution. I'm not sure how quickly your triplets will be walking - but at 12 months, our first child spent more time walking (running), though we had a stroller for her if it was a long time/distance. You can't predict it though - apparently I walked at 8 months, my older sister at 18 months.
Yeah, it would only be for our convenience if at all. At some point we'll need a solution for one of us to be able to manage all three kids by ourselves, but as you say maybe they'll be walking by the time we reach that point.
We just had 3 baby seats in the back when friends visited on the weekend - one rear-facing and one forward-facing seat and a full-sized booster seat. They fit but it was a bit squashy!
Hoddie- that look's like a cool solution. In USA I think we are supposed to have rear facing until age 2+ depending on size of child. do not know if that is law or recommended.
There's a similar law here but by weight I think. Without checking I think the child must be rear-facing until 8kg but many seat manufacturers recommend the same until 15kg. I have no idea how that corresponds to age
Okay, one last thread necro! We finally brought the triplets home from hospital a couple of weeks ago and we've now had a couple of journeys in the Multimac. It turns out to be a great system, easily installed, solidly attached to the rear seatbelt bolts on the chassis, and with the additional 'minimacs' is safe for children from birth. Overall I'm happy to recommend the Multimac for any parents in our position. It comes at a hefty cost (from £1,499) but - as in my case - might be the only solution you have short of purchasing a new vehicle. There are a couple of niggles which I won't go into here, but I'm sure that's also true of the mass-market seats. The Prius is surprisingly roomy. The boot/trunk fits two prams (one normal, one double), two 'nappy bags' (those bags that parents use which have a few dozen pockets inside) and plenty of other supplies. So happy we didn't have to trade down to a minivan!