First, know that my computer expertise is about like my wife's car expertise ______ So, looking for an external Hard drive of 1TB or so. I need to hook it up to a Homeworx HW-150PVR converter box that hooks up to an old television. The hard drive needs to be a 3.5 and needs to be powered by AC -- not by the USB to the converter box. I have searched and searched and while I have found a couple of "external power" drives they are all 2T or bigger -- for some reason, the converter box maker says 2T or bigger will not work with the converter. Any specific model. I am getting tired of this quest. BUFFALO DriveStation Axis Velocity 1TB USB 3.0 External Hard Drive HD-LX1.0TU3 Western Digital Elements 1TB Desktop External Hard Drive - Fantom Drives Gforce/3 1TB USB 3.0 Aluminum Desktop External Hard Drive GF3B1000U The newegg drives definitely comes with the power supply, the amazon has a hole to power it, but never shows including the supply.
If you want to go cheapest possible new items ordered then get this hard drive and then the enclosure it plugs into. Hard Drive Seagate Video ST1000VM002 1TB 5900 RPM 64MB Cache SATA 6.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive Bare Enclosure Rosewill RX35-AT-IU BLK - Aluminum 3.5" Black IDE USB 2.0 External The enclosure comes with power cord and usb cable. Very easy to pop the hard drive in there. Total cost 62.98 plus shipping/tax.
Isn't that a SATA drive but an IDE enclosure? Are you sure they are compatible? Rosewill RX35-AT-SU BLK Aluminum 3.5" Black SATA USB 2.0 External Is a SATA enclosure for that drive.
Thanks for the suggestions. I have put off dealing with this all week, but I will look into the recommendations and make a decision (having just received a $35 Best Buy Gift Card helps). I appreciate it!
There are LOTS of choices, Steve. Not to put too fine a point on it, but to be clear, no hard drive is powered by A/C. It may come in an enclosure, though, which is A/C powered or gets power right from the USB buss. However the USB powered ones are always 2.5" drives, not 3.5". The enclosure powers the drive and provides a connection to the computer or other device. There are four main kinds of connections. Yours looks like an old fashioned USB 2 connection. An enclosure with USB 3 would cost more but wouldn't do you any good, so stick to a USB 2 drive enclosure with whatever drive you want inside it. And happy hunting.
Best Buy sure makes it more difficult, i found no externally powered 1 TB external drives Insignia 2.5" Serial ATA Hard Drive Enclosure NS-PCHD235 - Best Buy HGST Travelstar 7K1000 1TB Internal SATA Hard Drive for Laptops (OEM/Bare Drive) Black 0J22423 - Best Buy or Insignia 3.5" Serial ATA Hard Drive Enclosure NS-PCHD335 - Best Buy Toshiba 1TB Internal SATA Hard Drive for Desktops Multi HDWD110XZSTA - Best Buy No pre-assembled drives I could find, but this is easy.
I've heard bad things about Insignia, Best Buy's house brand. If you're using an enclosure, I'd go with a different brand.
Well, after putting it off for a couple weeks and being yelled at by wifey on Sunday, I ended up ordering this particular model, which according to several people who have been using it for exactly the same purpose, it works well. On its way and should be here in Washington State by Thursday, after leaving Brooklyn on Monday. Totally overgunned, and lots more than I wanted to pay, and I could not use my Best Buy gift cards, but B&H always did good by me, even when I was a struggling newsman in the 1980s and used to order SLR equipment from them. Seagate STEB2000100 2TB Expansion Desktop Drive STEB2000100 B&H
B&H is an excellent company. I am often surprised at how competitive their prices are. I recently bought a really nice Panasonic video projector for auditorium sized rooms and they had the best price I could find after several days of looking. Maybe it's overkill ... and maybe you fill it up before you know it.