Anybody know the calculated frontal area and drag coefficient of the new prius? Looked but I couldn't seem to find a number.
I think the CD is 0.24. Thanks to the sleek bodywork and reasonably flat underbody. I believe it's one of the lowest drag coefficient cars around, including the super sportscars.
The frontal area isn't particularly relevant between comparable (ie similar sized) cars. The frontal area of my old VOLVO 940 is virtually identical to the Gen3 PRIUS - but the VOLVO's CD is 74% worse. However it is relevant if you want to compare a PRIUS with a HUMMER.
sorry, I've never seen that, but I'd be surprised if it's very different - overall dimensions are similar. I did put this together a while back:
It is .24 as the other poster said. One thing that I find funny is the headlight design. Its nice but not as aerodynamic as a flatter and sleeker front would be.