But you have the advantage over me in that your car will be worth something when it's time to sell/trade... hahahahahaha!
I do not know about you but I would love to see how many miles I can get on this thing. I have 13,000 in 6 months. Girlfriends Camry has 260,000 and I plan to beat her record.
How long do you plan on keeping it? How long have you been making this commute? How long do you typically keep a vehicle?
I've been making the commute since early March of last year, but have only had the Prius since May 1st. How long do I keep vehicles? That's all over the map and depends on the situation and vehicle...I tend to like small to midsize pickups or wagons, so the Prius is a departure for me, but I got it because it was right for the situation I'm in now and for the foreseeable future. Depending on how the current situation plays out, I could see myself keeping it for as little as 100,000 miles, or as many as 250,000 or more...too many variables to know for sure, and that's not even counting the biggest variable of all: how will the car be holding up as the miles continue to pile on? So we shall see....so far so good though.
Well just for work you are doing about 60k per year, so in a year you should be around 100k. Before you sell/trade it, let me know!