I've been a lurker for the 3 years I've owned our '06, but this thread made me decide to sign up! I bought our white prius after it had been sitting for 4 months in a field because it had been wrecked front and rear. I have owned many Toyotas (Including 7 supras) and wanted to try my hand at modding a Prius. Due to lack of funds because of a business failure I haven't had a chance to repaint the car since replacing the body panels: Black bumpers, silver hatch and raw aluminum hood on a white car. The car's name? Joseph He has a coat of many colors and I flog him like a slave! ;-)
I call my station wagon ...Combine My Prime is still without a name eventually soon it will have name....
It depends if it has been a good car or a bad car today. I can't believe I responded to this stupid thread.
Holy thread resurrection! (All the way back from 2006...) That being said, I'll bite: My car is 'El Huevo Libre' which translates to: The Free Egg, with a bit of a reference to Mexican Luchadors (wrestlers). Obviously, the paint is white.
My car is Gracie. Gracie has had a hard life. The front end has odd collision damage from being run into a snow and ice ridge while being driven on a frozen lake. The hit came from the bottom. She had weird computer gremlins that caused the previous owner to let her sit for two years. I was hired to replace the HV battery. It was obvious it need much more than a battery and the previous owner I bought it from did not have the ability to deal with the repairs she need. We made a deal and I towed it home. It was the dirtiest car I ever owned. With a rebuilt battery, a BUNCH of time, and a bunch of money for other stuff I brought Gracie back from the dead. The previous owners name is Gracie. It's the only name that seems appropriate for this car. Brad