This afternoon, while heading out to my car, I noticed that my front passenger side wheel trim ring was missing and was, at first, annoyed over loosing one after only 400 miles. I stood there debating whether to remove the remaining three rings or replace it, when I remembered tapping a curb the day before. I headed back to the offending curb, and there was my cheesy plastic ring still sitting on the grass. After replacing the ring, I noticed a nice scratch on it, right where the edge of the wheel would have made contact with the curb instead. I had previously considered removing all four (for looks), but I came to the realization that I would rather damage or loose the cheap plastic ring, than risk damage to the much more expensive wheels.
I think you may be surprised at how much those plastic rings really cost. Granted, they are probably less than the wheels, but "cheap" may not be the best descriptor. I'm almost due for my 5000 mile service and will ask how much Toyota wants for a replacement.
my sister is an after market specialist for Ford and wheelrings run $50-150 a set. so "cheap" definitely does not come to my mind~!!