What is the purpose of the Charging Inlet Cap? It keeps stuff out of the Charging Inlet? Sure. However, the Charging Port Lid can close and protect it. The Cap is a waste. You're suppose to move it from the Port to the right and not let it dangle against the car. After charging, you have to move it back over the Port or you can't close the Lid. The old Prius has a protective ring on the lid, that encircles the port when the lid is closed. I, instead, wish the lid opened vertically to keep snow and rain out of the port
I do miss that on the volt, it had the protection on the lid so when the lid closed it sealed the port. Where my prime does not have that, but im getting use to it already and not a big deal. and as a plus, ive noticed the prime has a light, a button to lock the charger and the light lights up when you walk up too it with out touching anything! my volt had none of that, lol.
you can see how people who never owned a pip make incorrect assumptions. no idea why they added the cap. maybe because they added the chademo charge port in japan and we didn't get it.
Do some countries have 2 Charging Ports? What do they do for Port Caps? So instead of designing a Single Port, they added the Port Cap to use the space?
man, could ya imagine how fast the prime would charge with a fast dc connector, that be awesome and I wonder if the port caps would just hang down? I wonder if can find pictures of the japan version somewhere
i can't remember, but it was described in the run up to the release in one of the overviews. japan has mostly 100v at home i think, and dc commercial chargers or something. they also get the output house power as well, i believe.