There are standards for how the seat has to be positioned for these measurements. I think they might have been posted in a interior volume thread.
The rear seats in the Prime are different from the liftback. They seem more comfortable. Perhaps they are a bit thicker than the liftback and might then slightly reduce the headroom in the back of the Prime.
My wife and I are thinking about purchasing a prime. How big is your stroller? If anything do you a pic of what it looks like in there?
I thought the prime had more headroom than the nornal lift back. The same as the eco. Maybe I'm crazy
I've never driven a Volt.... Sitting in the driver's seat of a new Volt 2 elicited a giggle.... the lumbar support was down around my buttocks! Are they trying to tell me something? The Volt 2 IS nice looking.. So far, Volt's LiOn batteries have been very successful. A good measure of respect for Volt 2.
I would've bought a volt and went from Toyota. But with my driving style prime fit me well. Plus I'm going to an Fca vehicle for a bigger hybrid vs Toyota highlander. I'd like to think I'm agnostic
although there are things I do miss about my Volt. however I like my prime over my volt on many things. I really like all the tech and I really like the prime rides and takes bumps so much better and seats are softer, so my yearly 15 hour drive will be much nicer
I am not in the business of publicly dismissing other groups . . . well I did visit Fred's diesel forum but I was wondering: Are there Volt user groups that have a similar attitude to PriusChat? We get the occasional non-Prius advocates and this nearly year and a half long, Ioniq commercial that I finally turned off. But with these exceptions, PriusChat seem to be a congenial group willing to share insights and tips. Is the same true in the Volt community? When I last looked, it appeared Chevy was hosting the Volt user forum. My experience is manufacturers tend to micromanage to a fault. That tends to alienate the best and brightest. Did I get it wrong? Thanks, Bob Wilson
Yeah indeed! I watched closely after the volt reveal way back in the day 2007 *lol* a doctor who was really interested in the volt started a forum. I never used the account, most of the time too shy to talk really. Anyways. I believe it was called GM-volt. However sadly not long after the release of the volt he gave up the site to other people and I think it did maybe end up in GMs hands. I haven't been there in ages though. Man I remember following all the news and gossip about the volt and many who thought it would never happen after GMs blunders with the EV1 project. I will say, GM impressed me, it was a wonderful car and I didn't have any problems with it. There is another really awesome site that I hope someone does for the Prime! It's called voltstats and I did have an account there and my car would automatically log to the web site, my electric usage, gas usage and a whole deal of all kinda details that were amazing and cool. And it worked via VIN and OnStar. I think they may have a forum, but I haven't visited it. Well first time using my phone app, hope it posts right Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Can't say about the Volt forums, but we did have a few gen1 Volt owners come on to share their experience with the car here. They were polite and open.
looks like it's all about ev range and acceleration over there. makes sense, and seems congenial enough. it's kind of funny how they talk about seat belts, instead of seats. i'll say one thing, volt seems to be attracting gassers with it's 0-60 time. that's a good thing, even if efficiency suffers, sorta tesla like marketing.
I agree but where are the former-TDI advocates: I was just over at Fred's TDI and didn't see the same intensity of Ioniq fan-boy noise directed at them that we're seeing here. I suspect it is because Hyundai officially only cites the Prius and seems to have forgotten (or doesn't care) about the TDI advocates who are replacing their cars. Bob Wilson
They're busy buying Volts. VW TDi Buy back means New Volt Owner Howdy! from yet another VW TDI refugee
i can see vdub drivers leaning toward volt. standard looks, efficient enough, acceleration, handling. the only downside is probably size, and no one else has that.