I received the bundle of Toyota manuals for the Prime in a generic manila envelope from my dealer. I'm used to getting some basic plastic cover to keep everything together in the glove box. Is that missing in my case or does Toyota just not bother with a cover?
i noticed that it's the dealer and not toyota. i got plastic from one dealer, and paper from another. shame on toyota for too many manuals, and not enough binder.
I got a bright green cover that's pretty worthless. Also, my maintenance manual was missing several pages. Apparently when the manual was assembled the several pages were not in the stack when the manual was stapled. Dealer did not order a new one for me so I'll deal with it when I take it to a closer dealer for its first service. No big deal since I have a downloaded copy.
I got a nice black faux leather case with snap closure that fits the 700+ manual plus all the quick references. etc. Everything fits neatly into the glove compartment.