I came across a fairly inexpensive 2010 Prius Five with Radar Cruise and LKA. I have dynamic cruise on my BMW i3, but that is vision based. If you own or owned a Prius with the Advanced Tech Package, I'd love to hear what you think of these features, how well they work, etc.
The radar cruise works great in my 2010, but I think you have to stay above 25mph. LKA helps keep you in your lane, small steering adjustments when traveling straight. It won't turn for you
My new (6 months) 2016 Prius has Dynamic CC and LKA. Dynamic CC is great on long trips as it lets you rest your right leg. LKA is a bit of a nag, but it replaces the need for my wife yell at me when I change lanes without using the turn signals. One thing, I just drove round trip CT - FL - CT and the Radar cut out twice (once each way). On the way back it was attributed to the radar being blocked by dirt/snow/ice (easily fixed by cleaning off the Toyota emblem and reseting by shutting down an restarting the Prius). The scary part was that ALL of the electronic safety features were shut down as well until the reset. JeffD
No LKA in Canada but I do have DRCC. It works well (greater than 25mph). You can set it even with no one ahead of you (unlike the Gen 4 Prius). I do find it aggressive in acceleration when the speed difference (btwn your travel speed and set speed) is large. (e.g. someone was taking an exit and was slowing down. When they move to the off ramp, the Prius accelerates fairly hard). It's smooth under normal operations
I purchased a Prius Five solely because of the Radar Cruise and LKA. I have a Subaru that has the same functions but is vision (duel cameras) based. The Toyota version works fine -- whereas the Subaru does stop/go (as does Gen 4), the Gen 3 system cuts out in the low 20's. It "beeps" when it does so, but it is not overly loud. Overall, it is well worth that extra cost IMHO. To be honest, I can not find much difference between the camera Subaru system and the radar Toyota system, although I am a new Prius owner so only have about ten hours of using it. One thing I did notice -- the vision based system on the Subaru is poor when following a car that then decides to exit the freeway and begins to slow down, as the systemt always thinks the exiting car still in the travel lane and reacts (slows). The Toyota radar system does not have this issue. As for the lane assist -- it's OK, but it really doesn't take that much effort to stay in lane so it doesn't come into play much. That being said, it is less aggressive than the Subaru system, which seems to alert just before you leave the lane. My experience is that the Toyota system is much less sensitive and alerts later. The tech package is somewhat rare, so if you found one and its a good deal, grab it! You won't be sorry.
I have it in my 2012. Absolutely love it, and I hope to never own a car without it again. Things look good in that this feature is starting to become standard. My wife just bought a 2017 corola and it was standard. Even though we bought her the 50th anniversary edition which was a few K more (20,500) than a standard corola it was still more 50% cheaper than my prius when i bought it. crazy Anyways I use the rcc daily on every drive I take even on slow roads. I never use the lane keep though. It's too annoying as it will constantly beep when it just simply loses track of the lanes as you drive. Lane keep in my wifes corola is far less beepy so it is getting better
Really? Either they fixed it in the 5 years between our cars, or your Subaru was REALLY bad. I can't blame the Prius for doing this; it slows down as long as the car in front is still at least partially in my lane, but is usually pretty good about resuming speed once the lane in front of you is completely clear. But a human (or a good autonomous vehicle) would anticipate the lane becoming empty and not lose so much speed, especially once the car in front is at least partially out of the way. I'd agree with the general sentiments here; DRCC is pretty good, within its limitations (25 mph minimum speed, can't do an emergency brake on its own – until the car is sure you're going to crash, and then it'll slam on the brakes right before you do). LKA is ok for maybe reducing fatigue a bit (you need less force to hold the steering wheel while turning), but I could totally live without it. The park assist is worthless unless you are completely incapable of parking your car - it requires at least 1.5 car lengths of open space, maybe more.
One thing I do not like about DRCC in my Gen 4 Prius. DRCC acceleration on resuming is sluggish when in Eco mode. Speeds on hilly roads are inconsistent too. The regular cruise setting AC is always good. Normal or Power modes are better when using DRCC. Why tie DRCC to accelerator driving modes?
The previous complaint was that DRCC was too aggressive (in the gen 3). I guess they decided to program it the way the driver would accelerate based on the Drive Mode. I'm ok with that. I usually get out of Eco mode on road trips. I like a more responsive pedal on the highway.
Whenever I use the drcc on my 2010, it always seems very aggressive. After a slowdown, it goes full throttle to get you back up to speed. I sometimes would like it to do gradual acceleration back up to speed, but it's always full throttle
My wife & the son with the 2015 Prius v are convinced the DRCC is junk due to its behavior on Eco mode. They drive with plain cruise, complaining about having to hold the button to get it to switch. FWIW, my son thinks Gen 4 Eco mode is similar to Gen 3 PWR mode. I think he normally drives in Eco mode on his Gen 3. I am currently trying Normal mode & DRCC appears to be better.
A bit off topic, but my Subaru is the original system which uses black and white cameras. They upgraded the system which now has color cameras and is alleged to be much better, especially in terms of emergency stopping. Good to hear that its working better. I am currently in a 2017 Lexus loaner and I think the Subaru system is better in many (but not all) respects.
The Eco mode in the Gen 4 should be similar to the "normal" in the Gen 3 according to Toyota. Well then use DRCC in normal mode?
That is what I am currently trying. After I am comfortable with that I may try to convince my wife, at least.