I've noticed it more recently, but when I'm cruising at 40-50 mph on a flat road and steady pressure on the accelerator, there's a constant surge and drag that happens. You can feel it in the butt of your seat, and you can see it happen on the energy flow screen too. When it drags and feels like it's being held back, the engine is powering the wheels and also charging the battery. But when it surges forward, it's uses the battery in combination with the engine. That makes sense and is all fine to me, I know all my 3 previous generations of Prius did this constant switching from charging and discharging too, but I could never feel it happening. I wonder if there will ever be a software update for it?
Hmm. I've seen that process on the screen many times, but never felt the surge and drag that you noticed. It seems strange to me, but this is my 1st Prius and only 3,000 miles, so let's see if any of the village elders can offer wise words.
Thanks for your reply! Funny thing is, I also just hit 3,000 miles! I love everything about it so far.
Snap! Yes, me as well. In UK mine is a Business Edition which is a bit like your three and I'm doing over most of the things about it. Biggest gripe is the lack of screen mirroring for phone satnav.
The only time I've noticed any surging or a distinct changeover from ICE to electric or vice versa, in any of the Priuses I've owned, is when I've filled up with cheaper lesser quality petrol.
I don't know if that's the case. I only use top tier gasoline. It's never been filled with anything but Shell, BP, and Exxon. But maybe. It's still doing it though with 4,200 miles now. I don't think I'll say anything about it though.
I use them all fairly evenly. It all feels the same to me. Not better or worse with any type that I've noticed. But I can only feel it at 40-50 MPH. May just be normal. Other than that, everything else is perfect. No issues.
probably just the nature of the beast. in the quest for mpg's, we think it should get smoother, but that may not be appropriate.
Maybe you have 'the touch' and keep the accelerator right at the point between gas power and regen... also you probably -listen- intuit. What kind of mileage are you getting?
I comparing my gen 4 to my old Gen 2. All years of Prius have that feeling of surging as the electric motors start and stop, regen mode and the ICE starting and stopping. Amazing it works as good as it does. The new gen 4 has different transmission design that spins faster with less parts. It does have some different feelings, but very similar to the past years of Prius. From my 11 years of Prius experience it's all normal. I would guess it's one of the most reliable and durable systems in automobile's today.
Yes! I'm at 3,000 miles also, and routinely cruise 45 mph on a smooth, level road and notice the same thing.
Not noticed that. Occasionally the engine will sound like its revving when the throttle isnt depressed, as if in a manual when the clutch is dipped and throttle pressed down. A few times as i descend a hill its been noticed. As for surging, i've been in power mode a lot recently, the car definitely surges forward a lot better!
That sounds like the battery is near fully charged and the excess power is spinning up the engine without using petrol. This is quite normal for a Gen 4. Usually while coasting downhill, so would that be what you heard?
Yeah, cheers! Not far off 20,000 miles, only complaint has been the occasional glitch with the parking sensors not working. Seen fewer Priuses in 2017, a blue one twice.
You have your model listed as 3, i cant remember why mine says 4. Is yours the Business Edition plus?
'Fraid not, just the Business Edition. When I registered on PC the was no Business Edition option on the profile details page, so I chose the nearest USA equivalent.