I had a bad accident that was not my fault last week and basically totaled my generation three Prius which I loved immensely, due to my budget I'm not able to purchase another one at this time and found a beautiful 2012 Prius C3 with low mileage and it's superclean this is my first time with this car so I'm a little nervous changing cars but I look forward to it. I'll be picking up my car today and I'm extremely happy with it .
Best color! Sorry about your misfortune but hope you're OK. The C won't be as refined as your Gen 3 but it has its charms. Still love mine after 3 years.
Unless you do a LOT of high speed highway driving you will be just fine. We are a two C family, one in Ocala and one in Atlanta and both are doing just fine. It probably will take a few days to get used to the feel of a smaller car though.
Enjoy your new ride. We love our c's, and do not see them as being so small. Previous cars were a MINI Cooper, and a Yaris Hatchback.
I have been in an accident with my prius c recently and it was totaled as well. Loved the car so much I had to get another one. It's a great car and enjoy!