I gather that, on the original Plug-in Prius ("PiP"), one or two folks reported problems getting a Clipper Creek brand charger (technically an EVSE) to reliably connect to their PiP at the J1772 plug. Anybody have any positive or negative experiences with Clipper Creek EVSEs on the Prius Prime? I have easy access to a 30A-breakered circuit, for which I'm told it's legal to attach a unit that actually supplies 24A to the vehicle. Any suggestions? I noticed that Clipper Creek has one, thus the question...
no reason it wouldn't work on the pip or prime, they all have the same standard. maybe they had defective units.
I have a hard-wired Clipper Creek LCS-25 that will recharge the Prime in less than 2 hours. I would strongly suggest consulting electrical codes for your state to ensure that install is compliant. As I recall, it was about $100 for electrician, with experience wiring EVSEs for Leaf Dealership, to install. Here's a link to the Clipper Creek LCS-25 owners manual: https://store.clippercreek.com/index.php?route=product/product/download&download_id=12 Good Luck!
I want to know who your installer is, I have a feeling I will pay $750 to get this thing installed (bought a ChargePoint device to hardwire to my house) That said, I have already popped the GCFI on my external outlet twice since I have had the car so I am hoping a ChargePoint will be more stable if properly wired. But it will cost $50 just for the permit.
Not going to happen for me, I have only 1 240 circuit on my board and it goes to the AC unit. Very little space in my panel and I am not getting into a panel. My house has gas appliances so I didn't need the high end power for the dryer or oven. This leaves me with having someone come in and potentially adding an extension panel and charging an arm and two legs to do it. Not to mention where the charger has to go is a good 20' from the panel so they will have to run wire across my basement. I can do basic things like splice an outlet, add a light to a wall, but this goes beyond my ability, not to mention what happens when they find an unlicensed electrician did the work. I could call my brother in law, but he is only licensed in Maine, so unlikely to be much help.
there's no way to find who did the work, i have hired plenty of electricians who never pull a permit and so, no inspection, unless it's a major remodel. same with plumbers.
I pulled a permit to put a shed in my back yard which I built from a kit. I am a little paranoid when it comes to unpermitted work.
nothing wrong with that. i'm a lawbreaker, born and raised. i have to reign myself in. fortunately, my wife is a rule follower, and keeps me in check. she even makes me wear a seatbelt when she's in the car.
See my posts in the charging cable thread. You can spend $165 or >$500. Your choice. Mine works great, much faster that the Toyota supplied cable. I put in the outlet myself, easy-peasy. Just connect the breakers last
I gather the problem was that the latch wouldn't always reliably attach the J1772 plug to the jack in the car. I asked Clipper Creek, and they acknowledged that their supplier gave them a run of a few bad connectors, but said they have all long since been replaced.
I installed a Clipper Creek LCS-20P and it works great. No need for a higher current charger since the Prius Prime won't charge faster.
I paid $200 to have installed a 50A, 14-50 NEMA socket and bought the 40A Clipper Creek. Seemed like pretty cheap future proofing; I can take the EVSE with me if I move, and the socket is more useful to the plugshare community since it accommodates up to 10 kW charging in EVs with faster chargers. The run was about 15 feet in conduit on the outside of the same wall holding the breaker box. More complicated runs will increase installation prices quickly.
Wow, I'm getting bids now, but the one bid I have now is for >$700 to work with the existing 30A dryer circuit (for CC's 24A box). Glad to hear your much lower number for the much more complex job, because that price struck me as way high. Independent of installation costs, how does your Clipper Creek unit work? Any problems with it?
No problems at all with the CC. It was plug and play. I considered a competitor that had wi-fi built in, and others that were cheaper but I decided that reliability and safety were more important to me than versatility (like setting charge times from the EVSE) or $200 so I chose the manufacturer with the highest customer satisfaction when it came to quality and customer support. 50 Amps is non-trivial. One other advantage to a plug EVSE instead of hard-wired: the electricians are less likely to try and gouge the "rich EV owner" and they are comfortable installing sockets while a hard-wired EVSE might present something new they have to learn. I initially confused my electrician by requesting a "NEMA 15-40" socket (I reversed the numbers); and even after the NEMA number was corrected they were unsure what I wanted. Eventually the guy called me up and said "Ohh ... you want a STANDARD RV/Range socket!! No problem!" Moral of the story: you do not want to be a custom job. If you have a dedicated 30 Amp dryer circuit in the garage, you can buy an adapter for under $50 if I recall correctly, and then plug in a CC. Just be prudent and give some thought to how to keep the plugs dry, under no tension, and always well connected. Addendum: Dryer outlet adapter