I have a 06 Prius with 96K miles. I was just informed that I need to spend 3200 on a battery. Is that a standard price? I guess the car will have to sit a while. I wish it were just 100K warranty without the 8 years. Guess I'm screwed.
they can be had as low as $2,000. plus installation, depending on where you live. it pays to shop around. how much longer would you like to keep your car?
Can't afford another car. I just lost my job (store closing) and we live on SS and about 3K I make playing music. I am 66 years old and just looking for the best alternative. I was under the impression it was a flat 100K warranty. I was wrong.
unfortunately, you were. there are cheaper alternatives, but with generally poor outcomes. you can buy a rebuilt battery with a 3 year warranty, but you have to install it yourself or pay someone. or you can diy your own repair. this takes time and education, but is almost free.
Thanks Bisco. I guess I need a trip to the bank for a loan. Their price was 3083 plus tax which the dealer said they would help as much as they could. Since I bought it new I have had to do oil changes and a water pump replacement. It has been a great car. I do have a tire sensor gone bad which I have not replaced because I didn't have 175 bucks to have it done. Silly me.
it's not that important imo. you can try calling customer service and asking for good will help. you never know. another option is a $500. battery reconditioned, but i don't know the details, there are some threads here.
My advice is: Find another dealer and get a second opinion. It is a little unusual to have the HV battery go that soon. And......if your 12 V battery is more than 5 years old, you might want to consider spending around $150 to replace it first........if you are determined to keep the car. Sometimes shops don't REALLY know what they are doing and "sell" you stuff that you don't really need. Good luck.
Were are you? There are dealers that have better prices, ie Camelback Toyota in Phoenix. And they have a promotional code (google it) that will give another 3% discount. They'll even cover some of the shipping, I think. But return shipping of the core is on the buyer. However if you don't live somewhat close, it's gonna be an arm and a leg to ship it and you'll still have installation to consider. Your post is in the Gen 1 subforum, maybe one of the mods can move it to the Gen 2 forum? You'd be more likely to get a relevant answer there.
Around $3,000 for a battery from the dealer is about right. It will likely last as long, if now longer than the original one. Are you located near me (Madison, WI)? My shop isn't as fancy as the dealer, but I can install the same dealer battery for less. Even if you aren't near me, feel free to call if you just want to talk through options in general.
MSRP core ? Online Price $2,588.67 $1,350.00 $2,210.73 Gen 2 battery at Camelback in Phoenix. The have a 3% off promotion, and price is plus tax.
Toyota Goodwill Assistance just paid 2K knocking the price of a replacement down to 1083.67! Thank you guys.
Based on old post from OP, looks like he may be in Virginia. I'm not sure if the OP is interested in in stalling it himself. I'm not certain at age 66, I'll still be up to the task of hefting battery packs in/out of the Prius. The reality is that the Toyota batteries come unassembled. There are electronics that must be transferred over and a fair number of places where errors can occur. (For example over or under torquing connections.) On top of this, many service departments, for whatever reason may choose not to sell the hybrid battery directly to consumers.
I think you might be surprised, Eric. I'm 65 and recently replaced the V8 in my Dodge Ram. It's not the strength, energy, or mobility (so much.) It's getting out there and doing and never giving in. I would be up for doing the pack in my 03, I've been doing some reading and probably will start with just replacing the faulty cells. If it gets to replacing the entire battery, I'll let Toyota do it--the 3 year warranty is worth it, I think. My 03 doesn't appear to be flirting with HV battery problems.
Toyota really came through. I have you guys to thank as well. I would never known about Goodwill Assistance if it were not for this forum. I forgot to ask the dealer about the warranty. I have heard 1 year and 3 years. They had to order the battery so I will not get the car until late today or tomorrow. Thank you again.