I recently traded in my 2012 Prius for a 2017 4 Touring Prius. There is a lot less storage up front with the hollowed our center console gone as well as the upper glove box. Anyone find any unique solutions for easy reach storage up front?
I simply figured out I had a lot of stuff I didn't really needed, including a full blown multipage map I never looked once in the 7 years I owned the Gen3. I simply have far less now in the car, because I don't need it. Same trimming game for the stuff I had in the trunk. The center underarm pocket is quite big, I put what ever I need more often there.
I mean I'm not sure what you need to store. I travel for work and the 2016 Prius has plenty of storage space in my opinion.
Our 3rd gen rear underfloor tray holds a lot of stuff. To be fair, I rarely if ever need/use any of it. Stuff I've got in there: 1. Full-size jump pack (JNC660, c/w OBD port memory saver cable) 2. Wheel chocks (lightweight pair) 3. First-Aid kit 4. Smart charger kit 5. Tire Plug-Repair kit. (Black Jack, nice case) 6. Roll of toilet paper. (hey, you never know) 7. Small square of plywood. (To stablilize scissor jack on soft earth) 8. Odds-n-end bag with a few tools, zip ties, wire, string, tape 9. Collapsible hazard cone. In the upper glove box: 1. Gloves (Heavy-duty, grippy, fleece lined. More or less essential for changing tires in winter.) 2. Tire pressure gauge (stick style) 3. Tire depth gauge
you sound like a prepper I used to keep a decent sized rubbermaid tote in the back of my vehicles when driving in winter, It included a full change of clothes, winter jacket, gloves, hat, socks, blanket, emergency fire can, jumper cables, tire chains, tow strap, roll of toilet paper, set of hand tools, electrical tape, bit of wire, road flares, a couple of MREs, and truly I don't know what else anymore. But that's before cell phones and when I was traveling through sparsely populated regions of Montana. These days in my Prius I have an ikea bag, a heated blanket, some tissue paper, chapstick, sunglasses, gum..... I think that's about it. I probably should throw some more stuff in there when I'm traveling but for going to and from the office that's plenty. I still do carry the fire can in the Jeep though. I'll probably have to make myself a new one this spring because it was looking a bit rusted when I put the hardtop back on it. Where I stash the thing it has to come out to fit the top which works out so that way I check it twice a year.
Yeah it's very infrequent we've ever needed any of that stuff, and as often as not it's while the car's parked in the garage, lol. But yeah, makes me feel good.
Can't be. No extra pistol mags. All of that is excellent to carry along BTW. The only thing I would add in vinyl gloves, cheap work gloves, and a poncho. People don't plan to fail.....they just fail to plan. As much as I've been a critic of the G4, and as much as I do not like the nature of the new joystick location I can't critique the car for lack of front storage. Granted....I haven't spent the weekend with a G4 but I prefer a fairly spartan interior, and quite frankly unless you're hauling babies around then one glovebox ought to be enough. Most of the SHTF stuff can go in the cargo bay, and that's sufficient to the task.
Hey I mentioned gloves, fleece lined, grippy work gloves. I've got lousy circulation, motivated about gloves. And I put a pair of nitrile gloves in the plug repair kit. Poncho is a very good idea though. Forgot too: have one of those lime-green reflective vests kicking around in the hatch.
driving a pip, i've gotten used to very little storage. it's not a huge deal, but an inconvenience, when you get spoiled by something, and they take it away.
Yup. As all you physicists know already, nature abhors a vacuum... .. except perhaps in outer space. There, nature invented dark matter.
i should also say that we don't use the prius for traveling, and for those that do, the more space, the better.
Just traded my 2008 Prius Touring for a 2017 Prius Two. A bit less space, but lots more electronics and zip. I think I'll be happy.
If you remove the left-most foam insert under the floor of the hatch (where there should be a spare tire but there isn't ), you can make a good deal of usable space. There is also a great deal of usable space under the front seats if you don't have passengers in back there needing a place for their toes. I have not only my owners manual, but a folding snow shovel and a large portable battery jumper (got to play hero last week) stashed there. All invisible with the seats all the way back, and not interfering with the heating ducts. Edit: I just read the Original Post asking for storage that is reachable up front. Sorry not to have paid attention. I have nothing there, but you do end up with a lot more room in glove box if you stash all the crap you don't need as per my plan
I think in an ideal world I'd add water as well but I don't know how you can keep it from freezing. Maybe just a backpack filter and nalgene bottle instead?
As far as the extra pistol mags. we are Canadians. We aren't allowed to have guns. Bare arms are ok though. I have so much junk in the under floor tray it's hard to pick up! All good stuff of course.
Yeah. I guessed... I'll apologize in advance if this thread gets tossed into the Chuck-E-Cheese portion of the forum. Honest boss.....I meant "magazines" as in PUBLICATIONS to read while one waits for the tow truck!!! (wink-wink!!) @ water. Water doesn't usually freeze inside cars in climates that bi-peds can actually LIVE in, so I always carry some anyway. In addition to keeping one hydrated, it's also useful for other things if you're out in BFE. If you REALLY want some prepper-cred, you can get one of these: