But the Man who ran the stop sign decided otherwise, I'm not sure they're going to total it or try to fix it any input would be appreciated it made it to 121,000 with absolutely no problems
Did air bags blow? It looks like air bag at steering wheel. I was gonna say not totaled, but air bags might tip it. The driver's side side fender is a bit crumpled too.
Sorry, but be grateful -- it did its job as designed right to the finish. It gave up its health for yours.
The car should be totaled, KBB on that car is no more than $8000 and that is at least $7000 damage. So it's safe to say, it wouldn't be fixed
That looks very similar to the damage on my 2007 Corolla that caused the insurance company to total it. No air bags went off on my car either. Time to start looking at different vehicles
Probably totaled. With unibody construction these days, damage often goes a lot father than what you can see on the surface. Glad you're OK. You are OK, right?
Hope you're ok! Looks like the actual bumper (that long metal piece on the right) got ripped out of its place. Our 2002 Camry was totaled with less damage than that (passenger front corner clipped a taxi turning left in front of us - fender rippled, front bumper at the corner crushed and damage to the hood of course. That's it). It depends on your location (what car you drive, how popular that car is in your area and whether there's a demand for parts of your car)
I'm so sorry that happened to you. I hope everybody's ok. It could have been right into the passenger door and the condition of your Prius would be farthest from your mind. But, still, this is awful in itself. I also think it's a total: Two quarter panels, hood, the whole bumper assembly, radiator... and the clincher is that the radiator was pushed in. That's going to make a high likelihood of other engine damage.
Its is toatled from insurance company standpoint. I bought my 2006 in very similar condition with a few not ideal but useable salvage yard parts as in hood and bumper cover. We rebuilt it and its my daily driver but you must be above average mechanic/ technician with moderate body skills. It will not be cheap but it is relative. If serious about evaluating restoring it I would start a laundry / groc list like on Google sheets and use formula to kerp running auto calculated total of what you need then go scout out local salvages first then ebay and Amazon (hint search internet online toyota sites for oem part numbers then search ebay and Amazon for them) for availabity and pricing on it all and then add about $ 1k for expendables and misc plus any tools you might need like 13lb slide hammer body kit mig welder with spool gun if inverter housing needs welded (check mounts at rear on bottom and front center corner bracket mounts for lines), plasma cutter (optional) for paint, plastic clamps for all those hoses probably missing broken behind the radiator/ fan assy and lower ball joints and other last minute discoverables when its closer to roadworthy. That will get you very close to project cost. We got lucky and got a brand new set of headlights for $ 60 @ a salvage. Went new on radiator, condenser/ reciever dryer assy. and the core support that only needed about 60% of and hood latch. Sent via my LG V20 on Tapatalk
Yes the drivers airbag went off and also the drivers knee airbag also went off, I don't know what they're going to give me but the adjuster is going to come out between Monday and Wednesday the good thing I have scheduled I run a car and have started looking not sure if I want to go to a Prius C but don't want to buy something that's too expensive and try to stay on budget I figured they'd probably be 8k I have the solar roof and a few other options I guess I'm going to have to see what they say
Around here NOBODY comes to a legal stop at stop signs. They could really use a police campaign on this: nobody even gets the logic anymore, to come to a full stop behind the broad white line. Busy and know betta. If they don't hit you they give you a heart attack: near impossible to tell if they're going to hit the brakes, in the constant game of chicken.
Glad you are safe and sound. Sorry about the car loss. If air bags got deployed, there's a 99% probability it'll be totaled, based on KBB and other safety reasons.
LOL this guy did not even see the sign so he was coming full force I did not see him coming at all which tells me he was moving quickly he was a older guy who is a realtor and he had an appointment to sell the house he even told the cop I didn't even know there was a stop sign there