My son (for his Bday) wants an upgrade from his $100 beginner Electric guitar. I'm reading on most guitar forums that a really good choice is the Fender Strats made in Mexico! However I'm not too sure where to look for a good price! Anyone have good info on this?
guitar center is gonna have the exact same price as all the prices you will find online.. there really aren't any good deals online. if you go into a guitar center store though, you'll be able to bring the price down.. maybe by even a couple hundred dollars. and i love taylor guitars
Finally, a guitar question!!! Something I'm really passionate about..nice to take a break from politics and religion... I love Martin guitars. Made in Pennsylvania (except the Little Martins, made in Mexico). They cost a little bit more but worth it for the sound. But you wanted an electric guitar. I tend to buy from local music shops when possible. Guitar Center (the store) or Musicians Friend (online store) are good places to do research. Guitar Center has every guitar known to man, almost. It's quite a sight. You can really do your research there. Try and go during the week if you can. On weekends, all the wannabe rock stars come in and it's too noisy to really hear the guitar you're playing. I also would NEVER buy a guitar sight unseen and un-played. Each guitar is different and has a different sound. Plus, you want to look over the workmanship to see any blemishes or defects. I like to support the local music shops because they are a good resource to have close by for lessons, repair, music books, strings, etc... Anything by Epiphone (lower cost) or Gibson (higher cost) is good. These are going to be the Les Paul models. Fenders and Strats have a different following and different sound. I prefer the Les Paul styling but the others are good too. If you nail your choices down to a few, PM me and I'll gladly give you my opinion.
I agree with the last guy in that you should first see the guitar before buying it. Also most local shops will set the action and the neck for nothing if you purchase a guitar some them. You can however get better deals online. I purchased a guitar from american music supply because they have a great return policy and the price was right. Also if you're purchasing a big ticket item some times they have EZ payment plans with 0 interest. With regards to guitars Fender is great. Typically the higher the price the better the quality wood and pickups, etc. If you son is serious about guitar I'd shoot for the $400-$500 range. A guitar in this range will last him a long time and he'll be happy with it. If he gets real good then he can shoot the $1K + guitars My $.02 BTW- I'd sure like to check this one out >> Nice Fender brian
As eyeguy said, if at all possible, go somewhere where your son can actually play the guitar to see if it suits him. It's cheaper in the long run to get one that meets his expectations and he may not know what to look for yet. As long as you are along to set the price paramerters, the saleperson shoule be able to match your son up with some good suggestions.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bshef @ Jun 15 2006, 11:36 AM) [snapback]271650[/snapback]</div> I'm partial to Strats- I have a couple of them (including an Eric Clapton signature- best guitar I've ever owned). I will say ditto to Guitar Center (and Musician's Friend, which is their online store). There's a pretty good markup on guitars so you can usually talk them down a bit on one that's hanging in the store. And it is always better to play the guitar before you buy- although Mus. Friend has good customer service. The standard Strat (Mexican) is a decent guitar. When I was visiting with my dad (who decided to take up the electric guitar in his 70s) over the holidays, we took him to Guitar Center and he got a standard Start for, as I recall, under $350- and that was a left-handed model. I have bought and sold guitars on eBay, but I do not recommend that except for experienced buyers who know what to look for. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(flareak @ Jun 15 2006, 01:02 PM) [snapback]271694[/snapback]</div> I'm with you- I just got a T5- real nice guitar! <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(eyeguy13 @ Jun 15 2006, 09:30 PM) [snapback]271939[/snapback]</div> Oh yeah- I can talk (or play!) guitars all night! We should start a band- we can call it "The Prius Waxers" :lol: :lol: :lol: (inside joke, people) <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(eyeguy13 @ Jun 15 2006, 09:30 PM) [snapback]271939[/snapback]</div> I have two Martins (I know it sounds like I'm Mr. Guitar Collector, but really, I'm not that bad!)- an 000M Auditorium that I had a Fishman pickup installed, and one of those Backpacker guitars, which has been all over the place.
K.....thanks for the replies..... I figured some of you guitar guys would be here! We stopped at GC last night and played around with the Mexican Strats.....(simply for research, no intent of buying). Really liked the "Fatty" with the double humbucker pickup ($399 as their askin price.) Guess we could probably talk em down to maybe $350? found a possible guitar connection. My son has a friend whose dad has some connections and is willing to help us out! I'll post pics when we purchase!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(larkinmj @ Jun 15 2006, 09:22 PM) [snapback]271965[/snapback]</div> Mike, I have a Les Paul Studio, Wine Red, and Martin 000-16RGT, two Little Martins (one HPL top and the other spruce top), and a LXM for my son. I really have been playing the Little Martins lately. GREAT sound for their size and just fun to play. I keep one in my office and one at home on a stand. The 000-16RGT I keep in the case in my closet. I love to play the guitar. I wish I could play in a band. No one I knows plays, so I'm kind of stuck. Hey, in a few years, when I come up to the Northeast, we will form Prius Waxers and play at Hybrid shows. We have to only play with one hand though.
the best thing to do is make a really nice card for your son to actually give him, and then make a date to go to a good guitar store and spend a couple of hours sitting and playing instruments. which guitar is right for your son is 100% subjective, but here is a list of electric guitar makers which are of unquestionably high quality: top notch: fender, gibson, paul reed smith, line 6, gretsch also very good: epiphone (gibson's budget line), parker, brian moore guitars which i would not buy based on quality are squier, peavey, yamaha.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(eyeguy13 @ Jun 16 2006, 06:02 PM) [snapback]272453[/snapback]</div> Are those the funny shaped Martin Backpacker Travel guitars? Do they have great sound for both the steel and nylon string versions? It seems like they might be awkward to hold?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dancekat59 @ Jun 16 2006, 07:12 PM) [snapback]272464[/snapback]</div> I have a Backpacker steel string. It isn't awkward to hold, but I find that I need to use a strap, even when sitting. It obviously doesn't sound like a dreadnought, but it puts out a lot of sound for its size. I like taking it when I fly, especially with all the hassles these days with baggage. You can take it as carry-on and put it in the overhead. I'd like yo find a hard case for it- someone suggested buying a gun case, but carrying a gun case through airport security doesn't sound good to me. I've taken it on camping trips, sailing, etc.- many places where it wasn't practical to bring a normal-sized guitar.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bshef @ Jun 15 2006, 11:36 AM) [snapback]271650[/snapback]</div> You didn't say anything about amps- maybe you're all set with that. I'd advise anyone starting out (for the sanity of parents, etc.) to get an amp with a headphone jack. Many of the newer amps come with that (you can also get effects processors with headphone jacks, but that might be getting to fancy.) A really nice amp (although a bit pricey for its size; last time was in Guitar Center they were selling for $269) is the Fender G-DEC. It's 15 watts, which is fine for home (or even a gig in a small place), it has a lot of effects built in, and a nice feature is an aux jack (just like my Prius!) so you can plug in your iPod and play along with it. It eve has a strap to carry it around. I might get one for a practice amp:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dancekat59 @ Jun 16 2006, 06:12 PM) [snapback]272464[/snapback]</div> No, it's a 3/4 size dreadnought, easy to hold. You can put a strap on it if you wish. The back and sides are high pressure laminate (HPL). It comes in two tops-one is HPL and the other is solid spruce. The all HPL is great for travel, it comes with a small gig bag, and I've taken it on the airplane and it fights great in the overhead. The nice thing about the HPL material is that you don't have to be too concerned with heat and humidity. I still worry, but you can take it camping, outside, etc... I rarely take my good, all wood, Martin outside for fear of warping and wood damage. And the best thing of all---it sounds GREAT!!! Full sound. Good base and treble response. Try one at your local music shop that carries Martins or at Guitar Center. [attachmentid=3828]
A branch off of Martin.. "tacoma" guitars...... A martin with modern technology added! Too much modern technology would change the martin so much that it couldn't be a martin any more, so one of the main enginneers branched off and created a new company called "Tacoma" I have a beautiful J50 acoustic with flamed Koa wood.... beautiful full bodied frequencies. I have an Alvarez with is a beautiful sounding guitar if not playing with a band because its weak in the midrange and cannot cut through the rest of the bands midrange frequencies, but the Tacoma is great... the koa gives powerful midrange and highs while the big size gives the rich lows.. Many famous stars are using them now.... Check out the technology....
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(eyeguy13 @ Jun 16 2006, 09:53 PM) [snapback]272546[/snapback]</div> Cool! I didn't know Martin made a 3/4 size dreadnought. I have a Baby Taylor and love it - especially as I'm small and it fits me better than a full size guitar.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(samkusnetz @ Jun 16 2006, 04:11 PM) [snapback]272460[/snapback]</div> Excellent idea! Your suggestion and opinions sound spot on for this! Getting back to the main topic......"Where" to buy from for a good price! I hear the logic in purchasing from the Local guy but most local guys can't get Fenders! I'm somewhat "leary" of Guitar Center because the last time I was there....the moment they realized I wasn't ready to purchase....they dropped me like a bad habit in no time flat. They seem little car-salesmanish. Thanks again to everyone for replying! B)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bshef @ Jun 17 2006, 01:54 AM) [snapback]272592[/snapback]</div> I'm not sure if Imissed it, but I couldn't figure out where you live. In the New York City area, I have found that you can run into a "salesperson with attitiude" at just about any store. The type who would rather be rehearsing with his band and does not want to hear the opening riff to smoke on the water again. I think there is a high turnover at those stores, so chances are that you might have a different experience the next time you go. In manhattan, I am likely to be passed over for help while the salesperson hopes that some celebrity will walk in looking for a ton of gear. I get better service by going to Brooklyn instead that my not be as busy. My favorites in order of best general shopping experience is Manny's Music, Guitar Center, Sam Ash. In NY the first two are on the same block so if I get a hint of attitude in one store then I'm gone.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bshef @ Jun 17 2006, 01:54 AM) [snapback]272592[/snapback]</div> If you go to the Fender website, you can get a list of authorized dealers in your state: Guitar Center tends to have a lot of young employees, and some of them can have a " 'tude", but many of their employees are really into music and very helpful. The last time I was in there, I tried out several acoustic guitars (didn't buy anything that day), and the guy working in the acoustic room pulled out an acoustic bass and jammed with me for about an hour. But I still like to give my business to the small local store.