I just finished reading Jim Hansen's Norway experience http://www.columbia.edu/~jeh1/mailings/2010/20100730_Norway.pdf. and it is clear that this is the generation that must face the Fossil Fuel problem. Getting the CO2 concentration back under 350 ppm is a must or our kids and grandkids will pay for it. If we sell our present good gas mileage cars to those looking to buy one, and we buy new Prius's, Leaf's, Volt's, anything that will get better than 50 mpg then that will help us move to an electric future, then we will have done our part in this major energy transition. Wind, Solar, sustainable bio, nuclear even, all are better than coal, oil, or natural gas. My old Insight with 270,000 miles on it is now giving someone else 70 mpg, and I have added a new Prius to the mix. Raises the avg mpg
but if we're going to be extinct in 100 years? whatever. this is my new response to all things environmental. keeps it simple!
Unless we change our energy use patterns in the western world and stop leading the rest of the world off the cliff we will find ourselves on Venus in about 100 years. Who needs space travel to vist another planet. We are creating a new one ourselves much faster than anyone thought possible...They Live is a great movie...explains a lot! The aliens will be very comfortable once they have finished.
Teri you are talking to folks who were here over 6 years ago. Pennys Dad has not posted in the last 6 years, it is possible he won't reply.
From a different viewpoint, the longer we all hold on to a current vehicle, the less new vehicles need to be produced. Less vehicles mean less pollution. Edit: thankfully posting in necro-threads doesn't count as increasing fossil fuels
i love how when an old thread gets dredged up by someone naive, the rest of us just start posting like lemmings.