Occupants + luggage <= 670 lb Isn't the gen 4 prius hatchback rated at 800 lbs ? This means the prime is only rated for 2 bubba's (bubba = really big guy)
They're probably rated the same, but the Prime comes pre-loaded with a larger hybrid (traction) battery. I think those load ratings are a bunch of baloney anyway.
Yup. You'd be surprised how little weight most cars are rated to carry. The weight of the battery takes away from cargo capacity. take out a seat, the rear wiper, use carbon, they're trying to save weight so I can drive one and eat all the chocolate cake I want to.
So if the average person weighed 150 pounds, then 4 of them would bring 600. The remaining 70 would be a partial person, and you can't have that. An average 5'th person would exceed the capacity of the car. A keg of beer is 160 pounds, so you have to boot one person out. Since I weigh a bit more than average, I'd better watch what I put in there.
Can't really speak to what the weight rating is but I've had over 1000 pounds in it on a ski trip. 4 large guys + gear in the back + skis on top. I still got 49mpg over the whole 400 mile+ trip. Didn't have to fill up once. So I personally wouldn't be too worried about it. It wasn't really happy going up the (east coast) mountains at full highway speed but it do so just fine at like 40mph in the slow lane. iPhone ?
It is more related to tires .....low rolling resistance is reason for this rating...... I have no issues hauling me and 3 person's that acreage 250+ lbs and I'm 6 7' tall 1000+ lbs are no problem Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.