Well I was driving down the street and applied the brake and felt a blip of the abs (even though I was not skidding) and then bang, all of my brake lights came on. I have a red exclamation point in parenthesis, an orange one in parenthesis right beside it, the vehicle skid control light, as well as the abs light all on. I shorted the OBD2 connector and flashed out the codes. I got a code 36 on the yellow ! , a 43 on the Traction control light , and a 34 on the abs. I then got a new rear left (driver) side hub with abs sensor, and installed it. The lights are still on. I drove it quite a few times now hoping they would go off on their own, but no. I tried the "depress the brake 8 times in 5 seconds while flashing codes" trick but that did not reset anything. I checked the head unit service modes as well but they only clear the error codes on the head unit itself. Checked the 12v battery and it seemed OK voltage wise. however I did notice that the proximity notification system is acting very strange. I noticed it coming on while the vehicle is in park, and making some very odd sounds to boot (not the usual whirring it makes when driving at low speed). I have an audio clip but can not seem to post it/attach it as it seems only images are allowed. All of this after touching the brakes? Something is really amiss here. I bought the extended warranty but i doubt it will cover this. I have 173,000 KM on it.
I am wondering if its a matter of just needing to reset the abs codes somehow. One of the codes pointed to the left rear speed sensor which is why I replaced the rear driver hub. The pass side was done a year ago due to the bearing going south, so I did not have an abs code at that time. I Ohm'd out the harness from behind the rear seat connector out to the plug end that goes to the abs sensor to rule out the harness as faulty. Is there some way of resetting the abs system to see if the new abs sensor does the trick? The code for the rear abs sensor is still there.
How does the brake pedal feel? Have you had to brake hard or use the friction brakes a lot rather than the regen braking? How is the brake fluid level in the reservoir? Have you ever changed the brake fluid? What about brake pad thickness?
You can listen to the audio of the vpns here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwB68YpDOSfZb0NSN25TREJzU2c Remember this is while the car is in park, sitting still, foot off the brake.
Front brakes and rotors were replaced less than a year ago. back brakes look pretty good, fluid level is between max and min, but closer to max. brakes feel pretty good other than not having abs.
what does the vpns have to do with it? sounds like a short or something, if that's the case. you might need tech stream to figure it out.
The vpns is acting oddly as well. For one, it should never be active in park. its only suppose to operate while the car is moving , and only up to a certain speed in ev mode. Second the vpns is making some very odd sounds, not the normal whirring it does when the car was working properly.
So dealer replaced the rear wheel bearings on both sides again with new (under warranty so i let 'em) and new rear harness to each speed sensor on the rear. Lights still on. They ordered an abs controller, waiting on that now. They are looking into the VPNS issue as well. New issue came up while it was at the dealer, nav stopped working. extremely choppy and drops signal at least 20 times per min, literally.
Just wanted to complete the thread. Dealer installed update for the Nav and it fixed the issue, and the abs controller fixed the lights in the dash. Prius is back to working as usual.