Anyone have this part loose in a 16 or 17 Prius? It's behind the steering wheel and the wiper and light controls are attached to it. The video shows the movement.
It's the mounting for the 2 wands, and if you feel/look below to where it goes, it's quite long. It needs to enable the steering wheel to whirl round and round within it. It also needs to move up and down separate to the solid dashboard to adjust the up/down angle and in/out position of the wheel. So quite a fair few things happening there, it can't be attached hard to the dashboard (or the wheel obviously) - I couldn't see quickly what it attaches to, but I'd guess it would need to be flexible. Nor was I going to try adjusting my wheel up/down or in/out because it took a while to find the RIGHT position for me - but try adjusting the wheel position and let us know if it moves more still. I don't have access to another car to check, but I'd be surprised if any cars mount that piece solidly. Have a look at another make/model of car to see how they approach the issue.
Yes it's still loose regardless of the position of the steering wheel. My son has the same car and his isn't loose. So I was checking with others before I take it to the dealer.