Some strip of rubber recently started peeling off where the window descends into the door. I tried googling the problem but I don't know what to call it. Any advice on how to repair?
Easy. Toyota labels them "Moulding Assy" with other letters and numbers to signify which window. I had to replace the fronts on my '05 last year.
I searched online but this part even though it's pricey at $40 per door still cheaper than elsewhere. Only 1 seller on Amazon and they want $50 Toyota 75720-47010 Door Molding Assembly
Pretty sure that's right and it's about what I paid. It is a little expensive, but then again, they are a fairly complicated extrusion and then have the added felt or what ever it is applied, plus the sculpting of the ends. Once I had them in my hands, it didn't seem like a really crazy price. But they should last a REALLY long time for that much money. My originals went about 12 years. From your avatar name, can I assume you live in or near Tampa? You might check with Todd over at Tampa Hybrids. That's where I got mine. I don't remember exactly what he charged, but it wasn't more than that price. Might have been a buck or two less. At any rate, he's a great resource.