G'day, For those living where already summers get quite warm. Has anyone seen a dash or window mounted phone holder with a heat-shield (sun-shade)? Sitting in the dashboard trough (behind the steering wheel in the 2016 Prius c) for about half an hour this morning, in direct sunshine, my android phone went into a"Li battery too hot" panic. Seems OK after a quick trip to the freezer. A heat-shield/sunshade could also help readability if it cast the right shadow - reducing the day-time glare on the phone screen? David S.
Noted. I shall look cleaning the glass today. The mount kept falling off, especially when opening/closing the door. BTW - When I went back to my car park this week, the man who parks the car for me, asked me about the mount on the side window, and was really interested to get one, as he'd never seen one like that, and thought it was a rather good way of mounting the phone.
I agree. I have also located mine on that little side window having checked the curtain airbag location. I think there are few if any other options which provide a combination of safety, not blocking vents or visibility, somewhere to brace your arm for accurate touchscreen use, close enough to see the screen detail and easy for daily repeated use. This is my setup using the ProClip option I posted about before, with the charging cable for the iPhone 5 and daisy-chained ScanGauge 2 with cables tucked into the rubber edging of the door. I should have got a black cable for the phone! IMG_2328 by GreenJuice posted Jan 13, 2017 at 5:24 AM IMG_2329 by GreenJuice posted Jan 13, 2017 at 5:24 AM IMG_2330 by GreenJuice posted Jan 13, 2017 at 5:24 AM Luckily the cable is just the same width as the gap between the dash and the door so it slides in the space, as I had to leave enough slack for the opening door. I think the ProClip version may have a smaller footprint so there might be some more options for adjustment in that space. It has been stable for me, but the 5SE is small and light.
I've tried this but my 6y inch phablet is just a tad too big. It will fit on the larger side window OK but if I have to open the window it is problematic. Here in south west England, it also rains quite a lot, which could also irritate the project. What really annoys me though, is that I have a great satnav (TomTom 950 Go Live), but I just can't find the special car mount for it. I know I put it somewhere safe, so I could always find it again!
Post a pic if you do find a solution. It might not be long before I'm yearning for a larger screen! My pics here again as attachments as the PriusChat website gallery links don't work on my Tapatalk app:
I'm now looking at heads up displays that can link to my phone & Google maps as I just want to keep my gaze on the road ahead without having to glance down or to the side to see my phone's display. I may order Navdy, looks good, except bloody expensive. Portable Head-Up Display Device For Your Car | Navdy Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I tried an app called hudway. Not only is it blurry on the screen but it has an awful American accent on the maps. Next! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
The toyota image next to it also appears blurry. The Image is compounded by being double, perhaps reflecting from both sides of the glass ? If you placed the device (as an experiment) over the toyota image, utilizing the toyota reflective coating, I wonder if the double imagery goes away ? jp
Had a quick look on A.co.uk and found these, which might help you avoid obliterating the current HUD..
Your link just goes to Amazon's main page, I think. I would expect there would be a setting to turn off the HUD for those that do not want/need it. One less distraction for some.
My bad! Should have tested it I suppose, but just search there for HUD screens and a whole list come up. I copied the address of the list, but the force must have redacted it.
No, we're talking about a second HUD in addition to the standard one in the Prius for an app called Hudway!
I was referencing I'mJp when they said If you placed the device (as an experiment) over the toyota image, utilizing the toyota reflective coating, I wonder if the double imagery goes away ? I apparently quoted incorrectly. Sorry for spreading my confusion.