So i removed the two galvanized bolts/screwed from the license plate bracket and the bracket is still not coming off. So it looks like there are clips holding it in place. Any suggestions? Yes i know i will have (2) holes in the bumper and yes i know the laws (CA) and yes i know it will look better with no plate
Thanks. i just looked clipped in. I will put and hopefully not break anything. BTW you don't happen to have a red prime? I drive through West Covina from LA and i've seen a Red Prime roll through the 10 a few times.
Some idiot somewhere, tightens the hell on these sheet metal screws, I think it's the dealers. I got one off and then went to the dealer on the other one.
So are you now going to reshoot your avatar photo, or just Photoshop out the front license plate frame?
I got the only RED Prime here near SF/Daly City/San Mateo area that I have seen. I have only seen 1 other PRIME in White at a charging station twice.