This may have been answered before, but I searched for the resolution without success. Issue: My 2012 Plug-in Prius (radio firmware 5.2.0), using Entune, directly connected with USB to my iPhone 6, will only show a couple screens worth of stations that I have in my Pandora account. Then, inexplicably, it will allow my to see more pages of stations, then stop allowing my to scroll more than a couple of pages. With dozens of stations set up, this can be maddening to not be able to get to all your stations. Resolution: I finally figured out that this is probably expected behavior! When I come to a full stop, all the pages of stations are available to browse. When in motion f%@$!ng Toyota has decided to dis-enable my ability to browse more than a couple pages. While I am certain they think this must be safer, and cause less distractions, in reality, the opposite is true... I am left having to REALLY look at the screen to figure out when it "works" as expected and when it "doesn't work". While resolved, this issue is ridiculous.