I had installed Entune on my iPhone and determined there's nothing there for me. Icons for iHeart, etc appeared in my Audio Source List after the phone connected to the car's system. I uninstalled the Entune app from my phone but I don't see a way to remove the icons from the Source List. Annoying when I use the Mode button to cycle sources and I have to trudge through the Entune app icons. Is there a way to lose these icons on my console? They weren't there when I bought the car before I installed the Entune App. Also, if just the iHeart icon was displayed (it's the only one I had selected in the iPhone Entune app) that would be OK. But it still displayed (and Mode cycled through) Pandora, Slacker, etc. telling me I need to install those apps on my phone each time. Help and hints appreciated. Thanks, John
I'm wondering if "Delete Personal Data" will do it...but I'm afraid to try for nothing (and lose my address book, etc.). I could go for deleting the Stocks, Yelp and the like as well.
What if you remove the pairing from your phone, delete personal data, then re pair from the phone? That should be like starting fresh I"d think.
You're on it thunderstruck. I called Toyota and the answer is Delete Personal Data. The Entune App icons are gone...so is everything else like the address book. But it doesn't affect mpg statistics and the like, only personal stuff. At least now I don't have to cycle through iHeart, Panda AND Slacker with the steering wheel Mode button, even though I don't have them linked on the web site. Just don't install the Entune app on the phone or the iHeart, etc icons will reappear in the Source list. I didn't delete my Entune account on the web site (which states if you do, it cannot be recovered), but the Toyota guy said you can create a new account using a different email address (sounds like they don't clean up the account database for deleted accounts).
That would be called Apple CarPlay/Android Auto. More than a little disappointed as high tech a car as it is, or wants to appear to be, Toyota still can't admit someone has a better idea. After all this time, and a new car, I still have my cell phone in the window because I want Waze, not Toyota's lame alternative.
I used to think that way. But I am not convinced that Apple CarPlay is a better way. Once I saw it demo'd with my own phone. My main gripe... you have to PLUG THE iPHONE INTO A CABLE! Good grief Apple!!! That is two steps backwards! Why would I want to plug my phone in every time? That's what I used to do before Bluetooth. No thank you.
You need etune for the WX app folks. It can use etune and HD for data. etune links you phone as another download source for WX data. Probably traffic also but who would ever know for sure?
SmartDeviceLink Introduces 'Target-Rich Environment' for Car Hackers This was an excellent piece I read about the problems with SmartDeviceLink conceptually.
The car manufacturers have a legitimate concern about loss of control over the dashboard. In the event of an accident caused by a failure, they could well be liable for massive damages.