Perhaps this is obvious by looking at a certain screen, but for a particular trip, is there a way to see your MPG for HV mode only? I always charge at night so I always am running my first 22+ miles in EV mode, which records (I think) the MPG at 199.9. I presume this is factored into the true MPG when the ICE kicks in in HV mode. So far, for 600 total miles my MPG shows as 148MPG on the odometer. I see a lot of posts here of people getting 62MPG or 75MPG in HV, but short of not charging the car for a particular run, how are people calculating their MPG? Thanks!
i'll be interesed to find out as well, the pip does not do this calculation, even the it tracks ev/hv miles and gas usage separately.
Take a look at page 221 in the user manual. EV fraction is tricky because it might include time the ICE is off in HV mode but the MPG result should be close. Example: Say you drove 200 miles and the MPG display for those miles is 80 EV fraction is 25% Then 150 HV miles required 20/8 gallons
Nah. You pop the numbers into a spreadsheet on your smartphone. I'm just kidding --- I don't know if a calculation exists on the display.
I doubt this will give you good numbers. My Prius C typically ran about 35-45% in EV mode. In other words, the EV portion of HV driving can be quite high depending out your driving style.
This doesn't make sense. There is no "non-EV MPG" since the Prius C is strictly and HV; it has no plug in capability.
Your HV has ICE-off and no-combustion-modes, which I *think* the car meter will lump as EV fraction. Think about it this way: if all the motive force is from the battery, the car does not know if the juice originated from a plug or the ICE. To the extent that the battery juice was from prior ICE use the car will show more gallons burned for the distance traveled and your overall trip MPG will drop accordingly. The calculation just goes backwards.
the car computer can do the same thing as we do manually at the pump. hv miles reported are all we have to go by. how accurate they are is anybody's guess.
So when people say they get 60 mpg or 133 mpg, what are they saying? My previous two Priuses measured mpg overall - I didn't care what % the ICE was working or the electric. Now with exclusive EV for 20+ miles and the ability to recharge, how meaningful is the MPG reported on the menus? It can report 2000 mpg if you recharge everyday and travel <25 miles a day and use EV exclusively. So I guess there is no way to accurately compare MPG of the Gen 4 in HV mode with a Gen 3 or 2? That was my question. Thanks.
I'm not really sure what your concern is. If you don't use any gas, then your MPG is infinite. If you you used 1 gallon to go 200 miles, then your MPG is 200. If you want to know what the MPG is when the car is strictly in Hybrid mode, then switch the car to hybrid mode when you start it up and then drive.
I have no real concern - just a question. I stated above that I know I can measure my HV MPG if I switch to HV mode only. My question was if the car can tell me MPG in HV mode only. I see a lot of numbers thrown around here on the forums and I'm not sure how meaningful any of them are or if people even know what they are saying or comparing numbers to or what their numbers even mean. Their numbers (and all numbers) seem to be dependent on the % of driving in EV mode and recharging. The vehicle sticker shows Gas Only MPG as 54 MPG which is higher than previous generations and I was wondering if this could be measured WITHOUT putting it in HV mode only, that's all.
Zero your trip computer as soon as EV is depleted. The car will tell you the MPG number for the trip follows.
Thanks. I realize that. I was just wondering if the car could split out non EV-exclusive mode MPG from HV. Sounds like not. I guess my point was that people's lifetime MPGs on the Prime compared with others are kind of meaningless. It strictly depends on charging and time spent in EV. Thanks!
it's early, but it sounds like the prime is just like the pip. unfortunate, if that's the case. but the only option, aside from driving without a wall charge is to measure your fill up, and divide into hv miles driven. i hope i'm wrong, because i thought this simple improvement would be available somewhere in the 3 million prime data screens.
True, however since it does know (or at least should know) how much electricity came from charging, for calculation purposes it could use something like a FIFO method and assume that the electricity consumed first is the electricity that came from charging. Then once that "pool" of electricity is used up anything else comes from regen and ICE. In fact since it should know how much electricity came from regen, wouldn't it be nice if after a trip it displayed the following information: You drove 100 miles, power for those 100 miles came from: X gallons of gasoline Y kWh of plug charging Z kWh of regenerative braking Z1 kWh of regenerative coasting Again it would assign an order used for calculation purposes, i.e. plug charging first then regen braking etc. then once those are "used up" any other electricity used is assumed to come from normal HV operation and charge mode, which are already accounted for in the gasoline column. Any unused plug or regenerative electricity after the trip would be carried over to the next trip. Edit - I realize this has limits in terms of accuracy, but at least it would give you some idea of what is going on. After all how accurate are the existing MPG and EV values that are displayed? Not perfectly accurate but again at least they give you something to relate to.
Reporting EV use ratio on a car without a plug is just flat out stupid. All the energy the car uses comes from gasoline, including the energy that goes into and out of the battery. Knowing how much time was spent on EV propulsion isn't going to help improve the driver's efficient use of the car. It can actually hurt as they try to get a higher EV ratio, only to have the ICE come on and recharge the battery at times it would be inefficient to do so. The issue is that the MPG number derived that way is misleading since it doesn't account for the energy from the wall. Some Volt owners were jumped on for reporting fuel economy here in the early days of that car. It would not be difficult for the display to show Hybrid mode mpg or mpge for overall efficiency.
It is not for the PiP and I suspect for the Prime as well. Distances when ICE is off in HV mode are not included in EV miles, they are HV miles.
Well I don't know if this helps any. But my calculations yielded 31mpg over 900 miles... And that's when the Ice is on. So that's damn good. Ie - that's not the true hv mpg calculation but a pretty true ice only calculation