I've had my "new to me" 2013 PiP for a full two weeks now. It turns out that my commute distance is perfect for this car. I guess eventually, I'll have to buy gas. Since I can plug in for free at work, this thing is as good a fit as I can imagine. I have between 0.6 and 1.1 miles left on EV each way. (That may change come summer and a/c season.) The only time I use gas is on the weekends, and then not much as you can see. I'm guessing I'll get at least 700 miles from the 1st tank. I really want to take a long road trip with it, but don't want to do it just for the drive. So I'm looking for a good excuse.
That's one way of putting it. LOL! Or maybe had it recycled for me. Actually, the insurance buy back price was so low that I was really wishing I had room to put it while I parted it out. Everything in front of the front seats was pristine. I'm sure those parts were worth way more than $1,400.
I did trade the '05. I thought maybe you were referring to my wife's '05 that I recently showed pictures of after someone hit us from behind at a stoplight with about a 60 mph speed differential a year ago. That one got sold to the insurance company.
Tomorrow's the big day! Gonna get some pushwater as my father-in-law called it. Still showing just over 100 mpg on the display. 670+ miles so far and two pips on the fuel gauge. I'll probably fill it up when we get home from church, which is about a 35 mile round trip.