I am a fan of Jason Torchinsky who had the good sense to use a cell phone video to record a maximum acceleration of the Gen-4 Prius. I searched and didn't find his review so here it is: The 2017 Toyota Prius Prime Is A High-Tech Pretend Tesla That Gets Incredible Mileage . . . the Prius Prime is the plug-in Prius designed to sort of quench Tesla-lust for half the price. . . . The Prius Prime is about $6,000 less than a Chevy Volt, and about half of what a Tesla Model S costs. If you’re really taken by the pure Silicon Valley-ness of a Tesla but just can’t quite swing the money, or perhaps you still want to take a road trip that doesn’t require planning everything around where the Superchargers are, then the Prime does make a sort of sense. The Prime is the ultimate current expression of Prius. There’s a good number of people out there who find that concept very compelling, and this car will be fantastic for them. It’s easily the best Prius available right now, and I’m sure it’ll be a relief to many people who want a Prius but just can’t even with that new Prius front end. The irony is: lack of TSS-P in the 2016 Prius Two ECO led to test driving a 2016 Prius Three with TSS-P price, $28.5-33k, of 2016 Prius Three with TSS-P led me to buy a $29.9k BMW i3-REx the broken motor mount of the BMW i3-REx led me to test drive a $29.9k Prius Prime Premium the bait-and-switch of a local dealer led to buying a $28.4k Prius Prius Plus in Rhode Island a 1,000 mile road trip in 10 days In 2016, we replaced our 2003 and 2010 Prius with a 2014 BMW i3-REx and soon a 2017 Prius Prime Plus. The new cars have collision detect, dynamic cruise control, gasoline cross-country, and EV capable. Together, these cars provide reliable, flexible transportation at an affordable, operational cost. Jason suggested the Prius Prime might be 'Tesla wanna be'. Truth is no electric-only car has any attraction. Chargers are too few; fees can be too high; too far between, and; too slow. They have a place when one can recharge while asleep, working, or shopping. On cross-country drives, the BMW i3-REx can hold 65-70 mph @40 MPG but the 2 gallon tank, 80 mile range, means the block-to-block speed is barely 50 mph. In contrast, the Prius Prime Plus should have block-to-block speeds closer to 60-65 mph with +52 MPG. With dynamic cruise control, the car will be a dream to drive long distances on the Interstate and around town. Once home, a motel, or at our destination, we can use EV to get around. If it runs out of charge, the gas engine takes over and we're still moving. This is a feature not available in the older Prius or even the Gen-4. So I agree the Prius Prime is the Prius we've all been waiting for. Is the Prius Prime Plus perfect, it doesn't have to be because it meets all of our mandatory requirements and has high scores on the optional. As for the BMW i3-REx, as long as it ain't broke, drive it. But come January 2019 the warranty comes to an end and we'll have to revisit if the BMW i3-REx can be kept running at an affordable price. Bob Wilson
Half the price of a Model S -- OK. But not half the price of a Model 3, and that is the (future, presumed) choice I think most people consider if they x-shop at all.
A Prime is way less than half the price of a Model S. And I wouldn't pay $10,000 for a Model 3 since it simply can't serve the purpose of moving me and my stuff from place to place.
These are my requirements: model dynamic cruise control collision detect 1000 mi any route EV w/o gas 1 2014 BMW i3-REx Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 2017 Prius Prime Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 2017 Volt No(*) Yes Yes Yes 4 2016 Prius ECO No No Yes No 5 Tesla Yes Yes No Yes Last week I visited the local Chevy dealer and the Volt they showed me had some sort of collision detect but NOT dynamic cruise control. Did they hire the same Toyota employee who thought the "Level Two ECO" did not need TSS-P? You may have a different set of requirements but I live in Alabama and most of my family live in Kansas, Oklahoma, Arizona, Washington State, and Connecticut. I can't afford to own a car that doesn't help me drive long distances taking any highway or route including State and secondary roads. Bob Wilson
How come "any route" says "yes" for Tesla? It's absolutely not true. I did a thorough analysis of my last trip, and two of my routes were not possible for a P100D. The route I would have had to take would have, in each case, added another day to my trip or, conversely, made us miss at least one stop that we made.
It was an artifact of the table tag. I had an extra comma in a header. I think the table renders correctly now. Bob Wilson
If you just want to get from big city to big city, it's usually possible to do that in a Tesla without too many interruptions. However, if you want to stop at other places along the way - especially if they are not big cities - it can be either a major delay (i.e. L2 charging for 10 hours) or not possible (going to need a tow) in a Tesla. Specific places I've gone to or plan to go to that give Tesla's problems: Hutchinson, Kansas, Carlsbad Caverns, Mesa Verde National Park, Telluride Colorado, Great Sand Dunes National Park.
he may be wrong about the 3 piece bumper making accidents moderately expensive instead of very expensive. from what we have seen to date, theses cars are pricey to fix, and maybe very easy to total, resulting in higher insurance premiums down the road.
In the USA, no fast trains, planes and local car hire for the occasional (or even regular) long distance trips ? Jan
No fast trains, planes are expensive and inconvenient, and rental cars are also expensive and often inconvenient. And these "long distance trips" don't have to be very long at all before a Model 3 wouldn't make the trip, especially if there's no charging at the destination. That means you have to not only make it there, but make it back as well. Add in cold temperatures and a buffer for emergencies and a Model 3 could easily have a 30 mile range.
There are lots of open, rural spaces in the US with very limited or non-existent transportation infrastructure.
he doesn't mention entune, which spoils the whole 'large tesla screen' thing. if someone comes up with a cheap plug and play phone emulator, it might be the best use of it. i don't like how he keeps saying, 'but prius buyers should like it'. this car was intended to go mainstream, and get people out of gassers. so, i hope he's wrong.
I tend to agree, but are SuperChargers so rare ? Would Tesla owners agree with that? Does it differ a lot in different US regions? Her in Europa, it is not that bad and rapid chargers are coming now. Jan
Drove down to Big Bend National Park a few weeks ago, there's about a 100+ Mile stretch with no Gas Stations, and sure as heck no EV chargers in the small towns next to the park. Pure EV's just aren't practical for long trips, and what most American's value is convenience. I'd want something like the Prius Prime when it comes time to replace my current Prius...but lack of a spare tire is annoying (just got a flat a few days ago.......), maybe I can get a roof rack to carry one around when I'm traveling
I live in a city of more than 2 million. There are two Superchargers, both about 30 miles from me. Yes it does. The big problem is the range of the Ev's isn't very compatible with driving across very low-population-density areas such as exist in the center of the US where I live. It's not uncommon for me to go on a trip where I don't get anywhere near a Supercharger for many hundreds of miles.