After 2 weeks, finally: 671.5 miles, not bad. Considering 11 charges. 50 MPG in the predicted future.
671.5 miles @ 75 many gallons of fuel did you put into the car? To achieve that rate, you would fill-up with 9 gallons. Being that is more than 2 gallons less than the tank capacity, I would have suspected the gauge would still indicate between 1/8th and 1/4 of a tank
10.010 gallons. After some calculation, I believe the car computer calculates the fuel consumption using the electricity 133MPGe number. The MPG number on dashboard is not a simple calculation of miles/gallons of fuel. At one time, I literally used up all the fuel in my 07 prius. All the Christmas tree lights went on at once. I was still on highway...... Limped off highway with the tiny battery. Parked at a senior facility parking lot. Walked 2 miles to a gas station and was told no gas cans for sale........... Walked another half a mile to a hardware store. Got a can. Back to gas station. Pumped 2 gallons. Walked 2 miles back to the car. Whoosh. Never happened afterwards. Thank God it didn't happen at the more desolate part of hwy 280.
Ouch that is a significant delta between calculated and display MPG. But if this is first tank it is possible it wasn't full to start with.
It is. I filled it up immediately after getting home from dealer. Then I zeroed the trip computer. I even memorized exactly which pump I used in that specific Costco so I say it is kind of consistent. By subtracting the electricity miles from the total mileage and the future predicted 50MPG, the overall 75MPG is within margin of error. On a side note, if the car computer is correct then I will be a 50MPG person. That way, refilling with gas is cheaper than plugging it in at home.
I have personal experience with a 2005, 2006, and 2012 Prius. All would show empty, flashing last segment , and warning display after about 10 gallons used. And that is with filling past first shutoff on the gas hose. All those cars had 11.9 gallon tanks, we have a half gallon less.